The former president also vowed to “create a new task force on fighting anti-Christian bias,” though he did not elaborate further. Harris, who was raised by a Hindu mother and Christian father, is married to a Jewish man and has maintained ties to...
You won’t know if you got pregnant for at least two to three weeks after you had sex. You might feel tempted to take a pregnancy test the day after, but this would be too soon. It takes at least 10 days for anembryo to implant itselfinto the uterine wall and produceenough of the...
You can make a list of feelings in your head or by writing it out on a piece of paper or even by drawing pictures. What bothers (烦扰) you? Does it make you sad or angry? Do you feel this emotion (情感) only once or many times? When you do this, it might he...
or anyone I know, is subjected to a public reminder that we are not safe.Street harassmentis a pernicious problem for people who do not identify as masculine, white, able cis-men. If you identify as a masculine, white, able cis-man, ...
Benjamin & Anna: I feel like I understand why they were the ones to go home Monday night. For whatever reason both of their dances left me wanting more. Like Nigel, I found myself comparing their Tahitian dance to one for a past season. The broadway on the other hand was good but I...
Well, I do agree that these funny debate topics can get serious considering how passionate people are about their fandoms but indeed it will be a fun debate! Superman or Thor (or Dr. Strange), Scarlet witch or Wonder Woman (maybe Captain Marvel?) and Ironman or Batman?
I lost an ovary and fallopian tube due to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy when I was 21. I had my first child at 38 after one single act of unprotected sex. I had my second child at 40 after 1 single act of unprotected sex. My husband and I have scary fertility levels. He got a vas...
Popcorn Brian. I could write an entire chapter of a book about this man (in fact I did) but I’ll try to briefly sum up the magic. Popcorn Brian was a man in his fifties who went out solo and preyed on young chicks. The first night I spotted him, he was elbows deep in popcorn...
Being in the middle of a game when you need to pull the goalie is not an ideal match. Skip searching your duffel for a relief player with the Diva Cup since cups can be kept in play for 8-12 hours. When a cup is placed correctly, it does not leak and cannot be detected. Feel ...