It's like a book you just can't put down, which is why it's one of the best Mac games. Firewatch Firewatch is more than a game — it's an experience, one that all Mac owners should check out for themselves. Buy from: Steam Limbo In Limbo, you play as a nameless boy who's...
Can be placed as decoration. Information SourcePrice Furniture Catalogue0g Other Source(s)Fishingin Fountain Sell PriceCannot be sold TheDecorative Trash Canis a piece offurniture. It can be obtained byfishingin the fountain west of theCommunity Center(10% chance)[1]. Multiple trash cans can be...
A Stardew Valley mod that allows the creation of custom companions, which can follow the player or be added to maps as creatures. Requirements Custom Companions only requires SMAPI, which enables support for spawning custom creatures via the map back tile property. Json Assets is only required if...
It's like a book you just can't put down, which is why it's one of the best Mac games. Firewatch Firewatch is more than a game — it's an experience, one that all Mac owners should check out for themselves. Buy from: Steam Limbo In Limbo, you play as a nameless boy who's...
2. Unzip the mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods3. Run the game using SMAPI. Note that this mod will not change the description message ("when trashing and item, you reclaim XX% of the value.") in the clint shop when buying Trash Can updrade since it is hard-coded in the menu ...
Code is at If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visitmy Discord server. A list of all my mods for Stardew Valley is available at
ConcernedApe hasn’t given an update on if the feature will one day be coming toStardew Valleysince then, but it seems fans will simply have to remain patient and hopeful that such a development materializes for the foreseeable future.
Garbage Cans can be found next to buildings in Pelican Town. If you "use" one (right-click on it), you can sometimes find a valuable item. There are eight garbage cans in total: The Stardrop Saloon, 1 River Road, the Mayor's Manor, 1 Willow Lane, 2 Wil
Stardew Valley - Spring (It's a Big World Outside) Stardew Valley - The Valley Comes Alive (Spring) Stardew Valley - Nature's Crescendo (Summer) Stardew Valley - Echos (Sebastian's Theme) Stardew Valley - Journey Of The Prairie King - Overworld Stardew Valley - Ghost Synth (Fall) Stardew...
Compilation of Stardew Valley Mods I am working on, or may work on in the future. - StardewValleyMods/GarbageCanTweaks/manifest.json at main · chiccenFL/StardewValleyMods