Looking to do more than just work on your Mac? You totally can, with a ton of awesome games to choose from, courtesy of the App Store and Apple Arcade, as well as Steam and Blizzard!
2. Unzip the mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods3. Run the game using SMAPI. Note that this mod will not change the description message ("when trashing and item, you reclaim XX% of the value.") in the clint shop when buying Trash Can updrade since it is hard-coded in the menu ...
05 December 20244:45PM Created by SirDigby Uploaded by SirDigbyModding Virus scan Safe to use SMAPI Version 1.6 Compatible Tag this mod About this mod Plays a sound when the watering can is used while empty. Share Requirements Permissions and credits ...
Looking to do more than just work on your Mac? You totally can, with a ton of awesome games to choose from, courtesy of the App Store and Apple Arcade, as well as Steam and Blizzard!
Technical RequiresSMAPI, uses Harmony. Compatible withMod Updater for automatic updates. Code is athttps://github.com/aedenthorn/StardewValleyMods. If you want to complain or ask for help or help me test my mods, you can visitmy Discord server. ...
Aside from that, players who hope to be able to work together as farmhands must be on the same platform. Related:How to change your appearance inStardew Valley Thanks tobackward compatibility,Stardew Valleydoes allow players on PlayStation and Xbox to join others on different generations within...
Compilation of Stardew Valley Mods I am working on, or may work on in the future. - StardewValleyMods/GarbageCanTweaks/ModConfig.cs at main · chiccenFL/StardewValleyMods
the Steam Deck, meaning it’s playable on the handheld with no additional tweaking. Many other titles haven’t made it there yet, but you can get to making your grandfather proud inStardew Valleyor become a disappointment by shopping at JojaMart, whatever works best for your new handheld ...
Garbage Cans can be found next to buildings in Pelican Town. If you "use" one (right-click on it), you can sometimes find a valuable item. There are eight garbage cans in total: The Stardrop Saloon, 1 River Road, the Mayor's Manor, 1 Willow Lane, 2 Wil
Changes some behavior to make garbage cans in Stardew Valley a little more useful! If you experience issues, let me know by submitting a bug report or reaching on Discord (@chiccen). You are also free to contribute to the Github. If making a bug report on Nexus, please use the "Bugs...