Housing Group Campaigns against Domestic Abuse ; Staff and Residents to Wear White Ribbons in Support of Scheme [Edition 3]Dyer, Chris
but by putting its commitment to responsible food first and foremost in its marketing. This commitment was first introduced to the world—on a large scale, at least—in their first-ever TV ad buy, a 2012 animated commercial that showed a farmer rebelling against the factory farming system and...
In 2018, Always also launched a new initiative in the UK called #EndPeriodPoverty, with the brand donating products and a portion of sales to schools in need. 5. Fanpage.it – Slap Her From 2015 – another video highlighting the absurdity of violence against women, in which the filmmakers ...
It doesn’t matter to them that in the USA, the land was stolen by Europeans from indigenous people of the Americas, or that black people were brought to the USA in chains and against their will by Europeans. It doesn’t matter to them that in the UK, the majority of British people ...