Bannon told the gathering that the three big-picture areas where Mr. Trump has been acting are “national security and sovereignty,”“economic nationalism,” and “deconstruction of the administrative state.” And he had more to say about the relationship between the White House and the press, ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — AfterDonald Trumpbecomes president again on Monday, he is on the hook for achieving a hefty chunk ofhis promiseseven before the day is out. One of those promises is to make you dizzy. “Your head will spin when you see what’s going to happen,” he said of Day 1...
For months, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have been making promises to the American people about what they'd do to improve the lives of Americans if elected president in the2024 election. Their promises encompass climate, foreign policy, social issues, health ca...
Trump-O-Meter Scorecard Promise Kept 23% 24 Promises Compromise 22% 23 Promises Promise Broken 53% 55 Promises Stalled 0% 0 Promises In the Works Top 5 Promises "The Trump Plan will lower the business tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent, and eliminate the corporate alternative minimum ta...
WASHINGTON (AP) — After Donald Trump becomes president again on Monday, he is on the hook for achieving a hefty chunk of his promises even before the day is out. One of those promises is to make you dizzy. “Your head will spin when you see what’s going to ha...
“The middle class is where I come from,” Harris said, describing for delegates how her late mother kept a “strict budget” and “we lived within our means.” She said her mother taught her and her sister, Maya, that opportunity is not available to everyone. But now Harris promises to...
Trump flip-flopping on campaign promises? President-elect's allies weary Rising Dec 16, 2024 / 09:08 AM PDT Full Show: Morning Joe praises Musk; US facing a 'Constitutional crisis'? Rising Feb 12, 2025 / 09:48 AM PDT Trump stopping Penny production; Obama supported initiative. Coi...
Trump's campaign promises: End the war in Ukraine before Inauguration Day Trump has more than once promised to end Russia's war on Ukraine before he's inaugurated. "That is a war that's dying to be settled. I will get it settled before I even become president," Trump said in the ...
For months, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have been making promises to the American people about what they'd do to improve the lives of Americans if elected president in the 2024 election. Their promises encompass climate, foreign policy, social issues, health ...
“I personally believe that Gen Z can absolutely set us on the right trajectory, when we look at the midterm elections, when they kept saying that the House was going to be this big red wave. And then I always laugh and say it was a red dribble. One of the reasons it was a red ...