“The problem he has is that his COVID response wasn’t on the ballot in 2016 and he’s gotten poor marks on how he’s handled the pandemic. So that’s put a wrinkle in his promises kept talking points.” Arguably Trump’s biggest impact has been on immigration. While Mexico never ...
(We trackedPresident Barack Obama’s promisesandPresident Joe Biden's promises, too.) For each campaign promise, our reporters research the issue and then rate it based on whether the promise was achieved: Promise Kept, Promise Broken, Compromise, Stalled, In the Works or Not Yet Rated. We ...
He then went on to discuss his election victory last November and outlined all of the policy promises he intends to keep as president. He discussed his plan to dismantle Obamacare, lower taxes for the middle class, rebuild the military, build a border wall and deport “bad dudes” from the...
11:04 p.m. Trump hits highlights of 2016 campaign promises Trump hit on several policy areas that were a big feature of his 2016 campaign -- supporting American energy independence and withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, standing up to China, renegotiating trade agreements with Canada ...
In a meeting with the New York Times, Donald Trump appeared to back away from some of the most prominent promises he made during his presidential campaign, notably, whether he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton, and whether or not torture should be used in the ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Monday that top Defense Department leaders want to keep waging wars in order to keep defense contractors “happy.”
Chief among them is that he never backed Trump for president during the 2016 campaign. There have been no indications from the White House that Lee is among the handful of top names receiving serious consideration. The same goes for his brother, the Utah Supreme Court justice Thomas Lee, wh...
Nothing about the latest spat between Donald Trump and Jeb Bush will reassure those worried about Bush’s competence on the campaign trail. Credit Photograph by Patrick T. Fallon / Bloomberg via Getty 1.Donald Trump and Jeb Bush, the 9/11 Bullies ...
“The first step in getting our economy booming again is to begin to reopen,” said Trump campaign spokeswoman Sarah Matthews. “Americans know the economy reached unprecedented heights under President Trump’s leadership before it was artificially interrupted by the coronavirus, and he will build it...
In his recent speech to Congress, Trump cast his presidency as one of promises made and promises kept. And he and his aides have made plenty of promises about healthcare.Now there is a plan on the table: the American Health Care Act. The House-produced bill, endorsed by the White House...