视图> 摄影机设置(View > Camera settings) 透视(Perspective) 如果启用,则摄影机为透视摄影机。有关透视摄影机的详细信息,请参见 Maya 摄影机类型。 可撤消的移动(Undoable Movements) 如果启用,则所有的摄影机移动(如翻滚、平移和缩放)将写入“脚本编辑器”(Script Editor)(MEL 日志),使您能够撤消或重做...
有关摄影机类型(“摄影机”(Camera)、“摄影机和目标”(Camera and Aim)、“摄影机”(Camera)、和目标(Aim)和“上方向”(Up)”)的信息,请参见 Maya 摄影机类型。 视角(Angle of view) 有关视角和其如何受摄影机聚焦距离影响的详细信息,请参见视角(聚焦距离)。 提示 尽量避免使用角度非常小(小于 5...
Unity Camera的FOV是Vertical FOV的角度 Maya Camera的Angle of View是Horizontal FOV的角度 解决方法 先保证Maya和Unity中的Aspect Ratio一致,然后再按照长宽比换算两者各自应该使用的FOV或者Angle of View。 例如按照下面的方式设置,即可实现两边完全一样 Unity中的设置: Field of View:45AspecRatio:4/3 Maya中的C...
ツール設定の詳細については、ビュー > カメラ ツール(View > Camera Tools)を参照してください。 ヒント: キーの組み合わせを使用して、カメラをタンブル(Tumble)、トラック(Track)、ドリー(Dolly)することができます。「カメラをタンブル、トラック、ドリー、ロール、またはズーム...
For a description of the tool settings, see View > Camera Tools. Tip: You can use the keyboard combinations to Tumble, Track, and Dolly the camera. See Tumble, track, dolly, roll, or zoom the camera. If you change the default settings in the camera tool options windows, remember to ...
Each camera in Maya is assigned with additional Verge3D settings: Controls Specify what type of controls will be assigned to the camera in Verge3D: Orbit— targeted (aka pivoted, orbited) camera view. Seebelow. Flying— free-flight view. ...
However this does not seem to work in Verge. The point is to make “ideal lightning from all angles no matter where you look from”. Other method to achieve this look would be to rotate object itself, not camera view. Unfortunatelly we are using “flying cameras” and intro animations ...
Dome Camera Attributes Scripting Notes There are three types of FOV (field of view): horizontal, vertical and diagonal. Horizontal FoV depends on the film gate size, focal length, focus distance and zoom factor. In addition to those four parameters, the vertical and diagonal FOV depend on the...
In Maya, lens shift is controlled using theFilm Offsetattribute, while in Softimage, lens shift is controlled using theOptical Center Shiftparameter. 在大多数消费相机中,镜头集中在成像平面(胶片背面或传感器)。然而,一些专业相机具有相对于传感器调整镜头偏移量的能力。这个镜头偏移量通常称为移位。在改变图像...
View– Specifies which of the stereoscopic views are rendered. Both– Both views are rendered side by side. Left– Only the left view is rendered. Right– Only the right view is rendered. Output Layout– Specifies the format in which the Stereoscopic renders are output.For more information, ...