void set_near_plane (float n) float far_plane (void) const void set_far_plane (float f) void SetUpProjection (float fovInDegrees, float nearPlaneWidth, float nearPlaneHeight, float near=0.1f, float far=1000.f) float x (void) const float y (void) const float z (void) const void ...
1.setupCamera()设置摄像头参数选择相机ID, 获取CameraManager类, 遍历有摄像头. 2.getOptimalSize()选择sizeMap中大于并且接近width和height的size.或是自己设定一个指定的值. 打开相机和关闭相机: 1.openCamera(),通过CameraManager类中getSystemService- (CAMERA_SERVICE)打开相机.检查权限. 2.closeCamera(). 开...
After hardware validation, the actual bandwidth for a 4K@60FPS video will be a whopping of 1.2GB/s given 1.6GB/s available.Implementation Map: AXI-mem-interconnect; AXI-GP-interconnect; Peripheral ResetsReceiver and Sync Detector; Interleave FIFO Control; S2MM Channel Core; AXI-GP Slave Control...
plane2WithV = new byte[planes[2].getBuffer().limit() - planes[2].getBuffer().position()]; } for (int i = 0; i < planes.length; i++) { Image.Plane plane = planes[i]; Buffer buffer = plane.getBuffer(); //1280*720 Logger.i(TAG, "getBitmapFromYuvReader() i:" + i + " ...
This plugin for X-Plane 11/12 is a replacement camera system that lets you define multiple view categories and multiple views within those categories that are associated with specific aircraft. X-Camera also supports airport cameras that can be positione
PlaneRenderer PlaneRenderer.Builder PlaneShape Point2PointConstraint Point2PointConstraint.Descriptor Renderable RenderView Resource.Builder ResourceFactory RigidBody RigidBody.Descriptor Scene SceneKit SceneKit.Property SceneKit.Property.Builder SceneKit.RenderInfo SdfBoxShape SdfCylinderSha...
►pnc_map ►prediction ►relative_map ►routing ►sim_control ►simulation ►static_transform ►storytelling ►task_manager ►third_party_perception ►transform ►v2x ►modules ►nvinfer1 ►AbstractCamera ►ActivationParameter ►Apple ►AvgPool1dParameter ►Banana ►Base Bat...
PlaneShape Point2PointConstraint Point2PointConstraint.Descriptor Renderable RenderView Resource.Builder ResourceFactory RigidBody RigidBody.Descriptor Scene SceneKit SceneKit.Property SceneKit.Property.Builder SceneKit.RenderInfo SdfBoxShape SdfCylinderShape SdfPyramidShape SdfShape Sdf...
The application loads with the default globe camera controller. To rotate and fix the scene around the plane, exit globe mode by choosing the "Orbit camera around plane" option (i.e. camera will now be fixed to the plane). Choose the "Orbit camera around location" option to rotate and ...
function UpdateCubemap (faceMask : int) { if (!cam) { var go = newGameObject("CubemapCamera",Camera); go.hideFlags =HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; go.transform.position = transform.position; go.transform.rotation =Quaternion.identity; cam = go.GetComponent.<Camera>(); cam.farClipPlane = 100;...