Board of Zoning Appeals (updated Jan 23, 2024) - 5 Members, 7 Associates Members: Persons in italics subject to City Council approval William Boehm (expires May 1, 2028) Fernando Daniel Hidalgo (expires May 1, 2028) Virginia Keesler (expires May 1, 2028) Steven Ng, Vice-Chair (expires ...
That the City Manager direct the Community Development Department and Law Department to draft an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would make the provisions of Section, Paragraph (e), which allow qualified increases in building height under the Affordable Housing Overlay, not ...
That the City Manager direct the Community Development Department and Law Department to draft an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance that would make the provisions of Section, Paragraph (e), which allow qualified increases in building height under the Affordable Housing Overlay, not ...
Cambridgepointed outin a recent op ed,“history doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes”. In hermost recentoped, movement leader Stephanie Guirand makes it abundantly clear that low-income and Black and Brown people are being left behind permanently by this zoning petition. I still have not seen any...
Educational background; Stint as a clerk for Supreme Court Justice William Brennan; Kayden's service as principal constitutional counsel to the National Trust for Historic Preservation; Published reports on city and regional planning; Photographic documentation of the New York's incentive zoning system....
things they cannot; non-solutions to housing affordability; massive upzoning proposed; misrepresentation of the electorate; Advisory Committee appointments; non-negotiable mandates; growing problem of City departments choosing citizen advisory committees based on the outcomes that they want, irony of non-...
Late Order #4. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to instruct the Law Department to draft a home rule petition and a zoning amendment to allow acoustic music performances without a license. Vice Mayor Mallon Adopted 8-0-0-1 (Toomey - PRESENT)[Note: The City Council's failu...
3. A communication was received from Lee Ferris, regarding Residents Alliance opposes up-zoning for the NW Alewife Quad.4. A communication was received from Michael Omole, regarding ban on tear gas.5. A communication was received from John Chun, regarding opposition to Alewife AOD-1 Zoning ...
In closing, Universities with billions in endowments (hardly the fledgling educational institutions the state was trying to give a helping hand hundreds of years ago) should be fairly taxed and should not be exempt for inclusionary zoning and other linkage requirements. This fair treatment would ...
and peer relationships. I helped to implement the Peer Mediation Program in the Cambridge Elementary Schools. I was a coach for Cambridge Youth Soccer for ten years. I have advocated, publicly and privately, with elected officials on issues ranging from zoning to funding for community schools and...