The Elkins zoning code was updated via ordinance on August 18, 2022. Prior to this update, this code had not been significantly changed since the 1970s. Because of the comprehensive nature of the 2022 update, it is not possible to summarize all changes on this page. Some of the most ...
doi:10.1080/01944365208979104Arthur C. HoldenJournal of the American Planning Association
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Request for Proposal Planning Consultant for Land Use Ordinance Posted: 06/18/2018 12:00 AM Due By: 07/07/2018 12:00 AM RFP Request for Proposal Counsel to the Zoning Board of Adjustment Posted: 06/18/2018 12:00 AM Due By: 07/07/2018 12:00 AM NTB Notice to Bidders 2018 CAP...
An Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City ofDes Moines, Iowa, set forth in Section 134-277 of the Municipal Code of the City ofDes Moines, Iowa, 2000, by rezoning and changing the district classification ...
of new Dwelling Units built shall be owner-occupied Affordable Dwelling Units (Affordable Home Ownership Units), subject to all applicable affordable housing laws and regulations, including and not limited to the applicable provisions ofSection 11.203of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance (Inclusionary Housing...
Newport, R.I. 02840 Add to my calendar » Probate Court meets two times per month at10:30 a.m., in the Second Floor City Council Chambers at Newport City Hall.Click here for a full schedule. Foradvertising deadlines, please contact Carlos Alaan at 845-5349 or
city commissioners Courtney Shipley, Amber Sellers and Brad Finkeldei are expiring this year. The primary election was triggered by a Lawrence charter ordinance that calls for a primary if the number of candidates who file for the City Commission is more th...
Click theplus (+)orminus (-)symbols to expand or collapse the entries. Click thecheckboxesto select sections for saving or printing. Clear all +Charter +City Code +Zoning Code A Codification of the General Ordinances of the City of Litchfield Park, Arizona...
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013. 27. On Bassett and zoning, see Toll, Zoned American, and Power, The Advent of Zoning, among many other sources. 28. New York Board of Estimate and Apportionment, New York City Building Zone Resolution, Restricting the Height and Use of Buildings ...