Our evening course for the Cambridge English C1 Advanced exam is ideal if you need to improve everyday written and spoken English at an advanced level to take the C1 Advanced exam. Course content Cambridge English Qualifications are recognised around the world by universities, employers and national...
No, this is a separate fee. The exam isn’t included in the course. However, students can sit the Cambridge English Qualification exam at our school, which is one of the largest exam centres in Europe, or at another International House Trust Assessment test centre in the UK. We have exam...
IELTSisownedbythreepartners,CambridgeEnglishLanguageAssessment,partof theUniversityofCambridge,theBritishCouncilandIDPEducationPtyLimited(through itssubsidiary,IELTSAustraliaPtyLimited).FurtherinformationonIELTScan befoundontheIELTSwebsite. WHATISTHETESTFORMAT?
The Cambridge TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) is a series of tests that assesses the knowledge and skills of English language teachers. The test is developed and administered by Cambridge English, a department of Cambridge University, and is recognized worldwide as a benchmark of competence in teach...
Test prep courses will start at 3:30 pm and end at 4:30 pm. Both the test prep and the official test will take place on ISNS campus. Please login to SchoolsBuddy http://isns.schoolsbuddy.net/ or SchoolsBuddy ...
Harrow Saturday Training School English Language Programmes 2015-2016 Cambridge Key English Test (KET) Introduction Moving on from the Young Learner courses, students who take the KET course will be presented with more challenging listening, reading, writing and, most importantly, speaking exercises. ...
You need to find out the price at your chosen exam centre. There should be no hidden or extra fees, only the fee for sitting for the exam. Resources to prepare well for the test There are loads and loads of resources for the Cambridge Key English Test. The important thing is to find...
The perfect preparation course for the B2 First examination – formerly known as Cambridge English First (FCE) our course combines intensive language & exam preparation.
What are the Cambridge English certificates? Pick the right course for you There are lots of choices, let us help you to make the right one.Sign up to our weekly newsletterfor the latest advice and guidance from our team of experts. ...
published in 2023 and 2024, as well as a preview of what is coming in 2025, can be foundhere, and a selection of the 2024 ebooks can be seen below (click here to skip to a list of iDiscover links). If you have any questions, please do get in touch with the English Collections ...