Test your English | Cambridge English Test Your English We are Cambridge Assessment English. Part of the University of Cambridge, we help millions of people learn English and prove their skills to the world. Prepare for your Cambridge English exam We have lots of exam preparation to help you ...
今天,我们来跟大家分享如何用官方在线测试神器 ——【 Test Your English】 测试您的英语,帮助学习者选择适合的剑桥少儿英语等级。在浏览器中打开剑桥大学英语考评部中文官网首页,下拉页面即可找到【测试您的英语】。 www.cambridgeenglish.cn 点击进入后可看到4项针对不同英语学习者的在线测试,其中的【Young Learners】...
1、考试基本介绍 剑桥少儿英语考试(Cambridge English: Young Learners),简称YLE,是一系列极具趣味性、启发性的英语测试,围绕孩子们熟悉的话题考查其在听、说、读、写四个方面的英语沟通技能。 没有严格的报名限制,原则上面向全社会开放,不限年龄、职业、学历、地区、民族、国籍、在校与否; 官网介绍说是“专为小学...
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Test your English now3.Acceptedforwork,immigrationandstudyglobally•20,000universities,employersandgovernmentsaroundtheworldacceptCambridgeEnglishexams.•Ourexamsopendoorstohighereducation,improveemploymentopportunities,andincreasechoiceforstudyorwork.See who accepts our exams4.Fullysupportedbyarangeoflearningand...
【3】English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)【4】Ship or Sheep【5】Tree or Three【6】Pronunciation Pairs语法:【1】English Grammar in Use (Essential)【2】English Grammar In Use (Intermediate)【3】English Grammar in Use (Advanced)词汇:【1】TEST Your English Vocabulary in Use【2】English ...
【3】English Pronunciation in Use (Advanced)【4】Ship or Sheep【5】Tree or Three【6】Pronunciation Pairs语法:【1】English Grammar in Use (Essential)【2】English Grammar In Use (Intermediate)【3】English Grammar in Use (Advanced)词汇:【1】TEST Your English Vocabulary in Use【2】English ...
测试网址:www.cambridgeenglish.cn/test-your-english/ 家长可以登录剑桥英语的官网 (cambridgeenglish.cn)进行CEQ水平测试 KET /PET考试都分为标准版(General)和青少版(For Schools),两版难度上是一致的,青少版的考试多选择和青少年生活息息相关的话题。
Do this test if you really love English. If you pass this test your English is good enough for you to teach English to others. Your English will be good enough to study at any British university at undergraduate, postgraduate or PHD level. What is the C2 Proficiency test like? The test...
Welcome to Cambridge English.Use our resources to improve your English,support your teaching or prepare for your exam. 1:Develop real-life English skills ·Cambridge English exams are designed to assess how learners use English to communicate in real-1ife situations. ·Teachers preparing students fo...