The Cambium Networks ePMP 1000 GPS Sync Radio provides more than 200 Mbps of real user throughput. Using 2x2 MIMO-OFDM technologies, ePMP deployments achieve industry leading data rates. ePMP™ 1000 GPS Sync Radio Specifications SPECTRUM Channel Spacing Configurable on 5 MHz increments Frequency...
Cambium Networks introduces the ePMP Force 400C point to point solution delivering up to 1 Gbps throughput at a breakthrough price point based on the latest 802.11ax standards. 4.9 GHz 5 GHz 6.4 GHz Sub 6 GHz outdoor ePMP Force 425 Cambium Networks introduces the ePMP Force 425 point ...
Cambium Networks' ePMP 1000 GPS Sync Radio provides more than 150 Mbps of real user throughput. Using 2x2 MIMO-OFDM technologies, ePMP deployments achieve industry leading data rates. Utilizing GPS sync, the ePMP is an ideal fit for networks that require capacity and reliability for superior ...
Cambium Networks' ePMP 1000 Connectorized Radio provides more than 150 Mbps of real user throughput. Using 2x2 MIMO-OFDM technologies, ePMP deployments achieve industry leading data rates. The ePMP 1000 Connectorized Radio has the flexibility to connect to a variety of external antennas such as ...
Cambium Networks' ePMP product line has set the standard for high performance, scalability and reliability in harsh interference environments all at a compelling price. ePMP 3000is the third generation access point (AP) that carries on the interference tolerance mechanisms from ePMP 2000 but adds ...
ePMP The ePMP™ platform has set the standard for high performance, scalability and reliability at a compelling price. ePMP is the only platform in its class offering MU-MIMO and frequency re-use along with Cambium Networks’ refined bandwidth scheduler & advanced software features. ...
全球领先的无线宽带解决方案供应商 Cambium Networks(TM) 今天推出突破性的无线接入平台 ePMP,用于连接全球服务匮乏以及网络不通的地区。ePMP 延续了一贯以来的经过现场验证的可靠性,是安全、强大又平价的无线宽带通信的金牌标准。 为没有网络连接的地区提供连接 ...
eFortify 使 ePMP 1000 平台能够识别外部干扰并作出反应。它能确保,不论何种外部干扰源,ePMP 网络的吞吐能力不仅被最大化,并且延迟时间能够保持一致。它还能确保,当网络运营商提高用户模块数量时,系统在具有挑战性的干扰环境中依然保持高性能。 eCommand 提供了能够规划、准备和监控网络的管理工具套件。它包括一个容...
强大的功能:Cambium Networks’ ePMP 1000 集成型无线设备提供高达200 Mbps 以上实际用户速率(300Mbps空中速率).采用 2x2 MIMO-OFDM技术。 ePMP部署可得到业界领先的数据传输速率.利用GPS同步技术, ePMP是非常适合为远端分支机构和
-Cambium Networks的ePMP组合公认的可靠性让无线宽带网络运营商安心,现在免费三年质保进一步增强了可靠性 伊利诺伊州罗林梅多斯2018年10月8日电 /美通社/ -- 全球领先的无线网络解决方案提供商Cambium Networks今天宣布为ePMP 组合提供三年标准质保,免费将标准质保期从12个月延长至36个月。