(威宏)横河700924高压差分探头, ¥676.0 (怡可)美国西特Setra 270高精度气压传感器;成色很好,功能正 ¥5821.0 (威宏)进口数显手柄钳子 2个 打黑机无测试配件买 ¥373.0 科索变频器 CS-330S C0007G1,0.75KW/ ¥226.0 (电子)75千瓦捷豹永磁变频螺杆空压机3件套 ¥52501.0...
(电子)3G效果器 ¥826.0 (怡可)西门子变频器440 160KW 一手货源 ¥12751.0 (威宏)进口数显手柄钳子 2个 打黑机无测试配件买 ¥373.0 (怡可)美国西特Setra 270高精度气压传感器;成色很好,功能正 ¥5821.0 (怡可)原装SICK安全门开关RE11-SA03 接触式感应开关,成 ¥238.0...
Cambium Networks' ePMP 1000 Connectorized Radio provides more than 150 Mbps of real user throughput. Using 2x2 MIMO-OFDM technologies, ePMP deployments achieve industry leading data rates. The ePMP 1000 Connectorized Radio has the flexibility to connect to a variety of external antennas such as ...
Cambium Networks' ePMP 1000 Integrated Radio provides more than 150 Mbps of real user throughput. Using 2x2 MIMO-OFDM technologies, ePMP deployments achieve industry leading data rates. Utilizing GPS sync, the ePMP is an ideal fit for networks that require capacity and reliability for superior ...
Cambium Networks introduces the ePMP Force 425 point to point solution delivering up to 1 Gbps throughput at a breakthrough price point based on the latest 802.11ax standards. 4.9 GHz 5 GHz 6.4 GHz Sub 6 GHz outdoorePMP 3000 ePMP 3000 Cambium Networks’ ePMP product line has set the...
Cambium Networks' ePMP product line has set the standard for high performance, scalability and reliability in harsh interference environments all at a compelling price. ePMP 3000is the third generation access point (AP) that carries on the interference tolerance mechanisms from ePMP 2000 but adds ...
ePMP The ePMP™ platform has set the standard for high performance, scalability and reliability at a compelling price. ePMP is the only platform in its class offering MU-MIMO and frequency re-use along with Cambium Networks’ refined bandwidth scheduler & advanced software features. ...
伊利諾伊州羅林梅多斯2013年10月7日電 /美通社/ -- 全球領先的無線寬頻解決方案供應商Cambium Networks™今天推出突破性的無線接入平臺ePMP,用於連接全球服務匱乏以及網絡不通的地區。ePMP 延續了該公司一貫以來的經過現場驗證的可靠性,是安全、強大又平價的無線寬頻通訊的黃金標準。
The ePMP™ 1000 GPS Sync Radio is ideal for networks that require capacity and reliability for superior QoS in remote and underserved areas.
全球领先的无线宽带解决方案供应商 Cambium Networks(TM) 今天推出突破性的无线接入平台 ePMP,用于连接全球服务匮乏以及网络不通的地区。ePMP 延续了一贯以来的经过现场验证的可靠性,是安全、强大又平价的无线宽带通信的金牌标准。 为没有网络连接的地区提供连接 ...