Daily calorie intake for various nutrition goals. Nutrition GoalCalories maintain current weight mild weight loss, goal: ½ lb (¼ kg) per week moderate weight loss, goal: 1 lb (½ kg) per week heavy weight loss, goal: 2 lb (1 kg) per week build muscle or gain weight Lea...
Use the calorie calculator to determine how many calories you need in a day to maintain your weight, your daily caloric intake needs, or how many calories you need to burn to lose weight.
Use our calorie intake calculator to find out how many calories you need to lose weight. Eating right is already hard enough, so use this calculator to take the guesswork out and calculate your specific daily caloric needs to lose body fat and keep it off forever. To make sure you keep y...
This calorie intake calculator gives you more than just calories. This searchable tool gives you all the nutritional values for the foods you eat. So it's more than just calories, it's a full nutrition calculator.You can take the nutrition information and then use one of the Weight Watchers...
Calculate daily calorie intake for dieting, weight lost, maintaining or gaining weightDaily Calorie Intake Calculator. Calculate your recommended daily calorie intake.Enter your weight (kg.): Enter your height (cm.): Select your gender: Select your level of activity: Your age: Enter ...
DAILY CALORIC INTAKE CALCULATOR AgeYears GenderFemaleMale Current WeightPoundsKilos HeightFeet & InchesCM FeetInches Exercise levelBasal Metabolic RateLittle or no exercise3 workouts a week4 workouts a week5 workouts a weekDaily workouts5 workouts a week (intense)Daily (intense) or twice dailyDaily...
Daily Calories Intake is determined based on the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculation. The BMR calculation using Formula: Woman: dci = 655 + 4.35 × w + 4.7 × h - 4.7 × age Man: dci = 66 + 6.23 × w + 12.7 × h - 6.8 × age Where: h: Body height, in inches w: Body...
The daily calorie intake calculator estimates your daily calories requirements in order to maintain, lose or gain weigh based on your BMR and exercise level.
You Must Intake The Following Daily Calories Fatlbs Per day Proteinlbs Per day Carbohydratelbs Per day More Relevant Health Calculators BMI Calculator BMR Calculator Calorie Calculator Body Fat Calculator Ideal Weight Calculator Comments & Reviews on calorie Calculator ...
A daily calorie intake calculator for weight loss and weight gain estimates the number of calories your body needs to achieve your health and fitness goals. It considers different personal aspects to give you the result.If your goal is to lose weight, the calculator helps determine your calorie...