METHOD STUDENT’SBOOK1 LESSONS01–24 STAGE1~2 ENGLISHINAQUARTER OFTHETIME! SoolongYuin2011 用四分之一的时间学好英语! 凯伦方法只用正常学习英语时间的四分之一教授英语。 一般来讲,普通学生要通过剑桥初级证书的考试需要350小时 (四个学年),而用此方法只需80小时(一个学年),达到剑桥第一 ...
山木英语面对面 凯伦英语 callan method (首现中文电子版)
33. A method of operating a lift truck as claimed in claim 26 or claim 27, comprising removing the drive from one of the pair of rear wheels prior to removing the drive from the other rear wheel of the pair. Description: This invention relates to a lift truck, particularly an articulated...