山木英语面对面 凯伦英语 callan method (首现中文电子版)
1 2 3 Check your level Use your free credit to book a free session with a teacher, who will give you a level test. Give it a try! WHO WE TEACH WHY WE’RE GREEN Save the trees. We try to be as paperless as possible, relying on eBooks and a learning method that doesn’t require...
METHOD STUDENT’SBOOK1 LESSONS01–24 STAGE1~2 ENGLISHINAQUARTER OFTHETIME! SoolongYuin2011 用四分之一的时间学好英语! 凯伦方法只用正常学习英语时间的四分之一教授英语。 一般来讲,普通学生要通过剑桥初级证书的考试需要350小时 (四个学年),而用此方法只需80小时(一个学年),达到剑桥第一 ...
Whenyoucomehere,youbringyourbookwithyouWhenyougothere,youtakeyourbookwithyou/ Whenyoucometoschool,youbringyourbookwithyouWhenyougohome,youtakeyourbookwithyou BRINGMEYOURBOOK,PLEASE! WHATAREYOUDOING?I'mbringingmybooktoyou TAKEYOURBOOKTOHER,PLEASE!
carry here carry there come with something go with something/ come here with something = bring go there with something = take 223 For example:- When you come here, you bring your book with you When you go there, you take your book with you/ ...
Yes, I read that book ARE YOU WRITING ? No, I'm not writing DO YOU WRITE ? Yes, I write AM 1 GOING TO THE DOOR? No, you aren't going to the door, but you're remaining on the chair DO I GO TO THE DOOR AFTER THE LESSON ? Yes, you go to the door after the...
book_3.mp3 (1513 KB) Lesson 92.mp3 (3824 KB) Lesson 91.mp3 (4085 KB) Lesson 90.mp3 (3616 KB) Lesson 89.mp3 (4391 KB) Inne foldery tego chomika: Callan Method Stage 1 Callan Method Stage 11 Callan Method Stage 2 Callan Method Stage 3 Callan Method Stage 4 相关...