既然有call it a day ,那么短语call it a night,也有相似的意思。只不过后者要重点强调为晚上。Call it a night means to stop what you have been doing in the evening or night, often in order to go to bed.When you are not at home in the evening ,and you realize it s time to go bac...
1、Call it a day 不知道大家有没有听过Call it a night这种表达,它并不是指“叫它一个晚上”而是“今晚到此为止,收工”。Call it a day与其意思相同,只是较前者而言,它所指范围更广,泛指白天和夜晚。二者的释义理解就类似于每天结束之后,很多人都会总结这就是自己完整的一天或者一个晚上。 例句: (1)I...
call it a day/night这个表达的意思是“到此为止”,可以表示暂时停止,也可以用作俚语,表示某事已经完全结束了。 Right guys, you've worked really hard. I think it's time to call it a night, I'll see you all again tomorrow. 是的,伙计们,你们真的很努力。我觉得该结束了,我们明天再见。 Neither...
call it a day 这个习惯用语源自1838年。 一个工人在完成工作前,提前离开回家去了。 最早用的是:call it half a day。 到了1919年,开始出现call it a day的说法,现在人们普遍用来指: 下班;收工;打烊;到此为止;到此结束;今天就...
4. CALL IT A DAY / NIGHT 4.到此为止 To stop doing something for a while, normally at least until the following day. This can also be used as slang to say something has been ended completely. 暂停某事,通常至少到第二天。也可以用作俚语表示某事已经完全结束。
4. CALL IT A DAY / NIGHT 4.到此为止 To stop doing something for a while, normally at least until the following day. This can also be used as slang to say something has been ended completely. 暂停某事,通常至少到第二天。也可以用作俚语表示某事已经完全结束。
4. CALL IT A DAY / NIGHT 4.到此为止 To stop doing something for a while, normally at least until the following day. This can also be used as slang to say something has been ended completely. 暂停某事,通常至少到第二天。也可以用作俚语表示某事已经完全结束。
最早用的是:call it half a day。 到了1919年,开始出现call it a day的说法,现在人们普遍用来指: 下班;收工;打烊;到此为止;到此结束;今天就到这里;停止工作 例句: ① It's almost midnight,let's call it a night. 都快半...
英文 Call it a day、Call it a night 中文意思 1.call it a day. 今天到此为止吧 Let’s call it a day. 的意思是指到此为止的意思,可以用在你工作到很晚的情况下,如果你跟同事还在同论事情,或是你还在加班,那么就可以这样说。例: Im’ so tired. Let’s call it a day....
I think it’s time to call it a night, I’ll see you all again tomorrow. 伙计们,大家辛苦了。今天的工作到此为止,明天见。 Neither of us was happy in the relationship, so we decided to call it a day. 我们俩在这段关系中都不快乐,所以决定分开。 5. A MONTH OF SUNDAYS 5.很久 This ...