Call for papers 25 February 2025 In silico exploration of ultra-large chemical libraries The main scope of the upcoming special issue focused on ‘ultra-large chemical libraries’ would be to offer highlights in the field covering computational strategies to explore in a cost-efficient manner, ...
Call for papers first eurographics workshop on intelligent CAD systems - ScienceDirect Call for papers first eurographics workshop on intelligent CAD systems - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1096/fj.0-04331fjeazoxymethane-induced rat colon cancer model... K Toshihiko,O Walid,KR Johnson,... - 《Faseb ...
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International Journal of Fruit Science 征稿主题 Nutrient Use Efficiency in Fruit Crops - 4R Nutrient Stewardship 果树作物的养分利用效率——4R养分管理 Article collection 截止日期:2025年8月31日 更多征稿信息,请访问期刊主页了解 ...
A public distrust of science, the historical lack of inclusion of multiple voices and perspectives in decision-making around scientific issues and in the produc-tion of scientific understandings, a lack of transparency of how science is done, including insights into who controls the agenda, whose ...
The world's largest index/list of calls for papers (CFP) of international conferences, workshops, journals, and book chapters in the whole academic fields.
In general, novel experimental and theoretical approaches for studying molecular water. Editors Guest Editors Chantal Valeriani, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Claudia Goy, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) Christoph Salzmann, University College London Ying Jiang, Peking University Gregory Kimmel, Paci...
Call for papers 10 October 2024 Deformation behavior and advanced applications of multi-principal element alloysThis special issue aims to compile cutting-edge research on deformation and service behavior of multi-principal element alloys, topics of interest including its deformation, mechanical, ...
We invite submissions to a special section of theJournal of Computer Science and Technologyfocused on the theme “AI for Material Science.” This special section aims to explore the transformative role of artificial intelligence, algorithms, and data in advancing research and applications within the ...