Michael Bonjak1ZPID – Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information, Trier, Germany;2Department of Psychology, University of Trier, GermanyNadine Wedderhoff2Department of Psychology, University of Trier, GermanyHolger Steinmetz1ZPID – Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information, Trier, Germany...
publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research across the psychologic sciences, from clinical research to cognitive science, from perception to consciousness from imaging studies to human factors, and from animal cognition to social psychology.Impact Factor:...
applications of psychology to public health challenges worldwide. We are particularly interested in population-level papers, as well as studies on interventions in developing countries or programmes conducted in resource-restricted settings. For further information, please see the full Call for Papers. ...
Call for Papers Psychology Research(ISSN 2159-5542), is a professional journal published across the United States by David Publishing Company, Wilmington DE 19804, USA. This journal is regularly published by China National Publication Import & Export Corporation on commission. If you have the idea ...
The world's largest index/list of calls for papers (CFP) of international conferences, workshops, journals, and book chapters in the whole academic fields.
tle>Call for Papers Call for PapersCall for Papersdoi:10.1080/00223980.2017.1317547"Call for Papers." The Journal of Psychology, 151(4), p. 431InformaworldJournal of Psychology
PSYCHOLOGYPUBLISHINGSPECIAL daysThe article discusses that the the Editorial Team consists of an international board of psychologists, all of whom are IACCP members whose careers have featured culture in their research, scholarship and teaching. It mentions that the members of the team will contribute...
The special issue, "Direct Replications in Legal and Criminological Psychology", will address this gap in the knowledge base by combining a set of papers that will report on direct replications of crucial effects in legal and criminological psychology. Researchers interested in reportin...
Dr Ángel Castro is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Sociology at the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Dr Castro teaches classes at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences on the Campus of Teruel, where also he serves as Vice-Dean for Teaching Staff and Research. ...
Call for Papers: Society for Computers in PsychologyNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.3758/BF03329814PapiniMauricio R.Springer-VerlagBulletin of the Psychonomic Society