What positions did ancient masters and their legacies take on perennial questions impacting human existence? How are philosophical branches related to their rootedness? Can we philosophically speak of branches without accounting for roo...
出版有Titian Remade. Repetition and the Transformation of Early Modern Italian Art (Getty Research Intitute, 2007); Still Lives. Death, Desire, and the Portrait of the Old Master (Princeton, 2015); Titian’s Touch. Art,...
在瓦尔特·本雅明(Walter Benjamin)的《历史哲学论纲》(Theses on the Philosophy of History)中,“唯物主义历史编纂”(materialistic historiography)这一概念是对传统历史主义“因果链”的否定,并成为本雅明对书写历史/历史编纂问题性的总概括——即历史是对记忆的痕迹、遗留物和链条的生产。“唯物主义”这一形容词唤起...
Call For Papers CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for a topical issue of Open Philosophy HAPPINESS IN CONTEMPORARY CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY Open Philosophy (https://www.degruyter.com/opphil) invites submissions for the topical issue "Happiness in Contemporary Continental Philosophy," edited by Ype de Boer (Radboud ...
Call For Papers REMINDER: We are collecting papers now! CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for a topical issue of Open Philosophy PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACHES TO GAMES AND GAMIFICATION: ETHICAL, AESTHETIC, TECHNOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL PERSPECTIVES Open Philosophy (https://www.degruyter.com/opphil) invites submissions for...
Category Archives: Call for Papers (CFP) CFP: Teaching Intercultural Philosophy, Cordoba (June 2025) February 2, 2025 In the current climate of increasing provincialism and geopolitical division, the need to decenter and deprovincialize philosophical education is vital. Engaging with multiple ...
Call for Papers - Philosophy of epidemiologyThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )doi:10.1162/biot.2007.2.1.111Staffan Mueller-WilleELSEVIERPreventive Medicine
CALL FOR PAPERS The Journal of Islamic Philosophy is now accepting submissions for upcoming issues. The journal is interested in papers on both ancient and modern Islamic philosophical topics. The emphasis is upon creating a link between traditional Islamic philosophy and contemporary philosophy. The ...
(有教无类), the Mohist philosophy of universal love for all(兼相爱), and the Daoist philosophy of equality of things(齐物)and compassion(慈)for others being the first of humans’ three treasures(三宝), embody love for people, respect for human life, affirmation of human values, and ...
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