Labor Code, § 244.↥ Gov. Code, § 12951, subd. (a).↥ Turner,Public Entities, Officers, and Employees: Chapter 295: Codification of California’s Fair Employment and Housing Commission Regulations Governing Workplace Language Policies(2002) 33 McGeorge L.Rev. 433, 439.↥ ...
Position: PAGA is a primary concern of the employer community due to the financial leverage it provides to plaintiffs’ attorneys to pursue claims for minor violations of the California Labor Code, especially as thousands of business struggle to survive the recession created by the COVID-19 pandem...
The case delved squarely into the unsettled intersection of labor law and government agencies. Some provisions of California labor code are ambiguous on whether they apply to the public sector, while others clearly include public employees. For example, a new s...
Labor Code § 204 requires California employers to pay their workers no less frequently than twice per month, and on paydays designated in advance (with some exceptions). Overtime wages must be paid by the second regular payday after the overtime work oc
California state laws including the Business and Profession Code, Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Commercial Code, Corporations Code, Education Code, Evidence Code, Family Code, Fish and Game Code, Health and Safety Code, Insurance Code, Labor Code,
California law provides for a variety of penalties for Labor Code violations. Some of the most common examples are below. 7.1. Unpaid Overtime Nonexempt employees in California have a right to be paid overtime wages when they work more than eight hours in a workday, 40 hours in a work...
In addition to the increased salary requirement, a California computer professional must also still satisfy the duties test set forth under California Labor Code Section 515.5, which remains unchanged. The California computer professional employee’s primary responsibilities must ...
If approved by the California State Assembly and signed into law by the governor, the measure would take effect on January 1, 2024, and add Section 6401.9 to the California Labor Code. State Senator Dave Cortese (D-15) gave an impassioned introduction to the legislation that he had sp...
Labor Code section 6382(b)(1) was incorporated into Proposition 65 (Prop 65). The law requires that certain substances identified by IARC will be listed as known to cause cancer under Prop 65. Therefore, OEHHA concluded that these chemicals meet the requirements under the California Labor Code...
Barbara J. Miller