California Department of Finance. (2010, May). E-1 population estimates for cities, counties and the state with annual percent change--January 1, 2009 and 2010. Sacramento, CA. Accessed August 2011, from
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 20 (Xinhua) -- A report released Friday by the California Department of Finance put the state's population at 39.96 million, representing a growth rate of 0.35 percent, the lowest since 1900. The report shows California added more than 180,000 people when accounting for bi...
The population of the California, which is still the most populous state in the United States, dipped slightly by 117,552 last year, according to a new population and housing data released from the California Department of Finance. The authority blamed the population loss on a declining birth r...
Census Bureau said California’s population fell by 75,000 residents in 2023. But those estimates were targeting different points in time. The U.S. Census Bureau’s estimate was for July 1, 2023. The California Department of Finance’s estimate was for Jan. 1, 2024. The state’s estimate...
As a demographer who has looked at population data for decades, Johnson said this year’s difference between the Census Bureau and California Department of Finance estimates was remarkable. “The big difference is migration, and migration is hard to measure,” Johnson said. “We...
California's population grew for the first time since 2020 with some notable gains in Southern California, according to data recently released by the state's Department of Finance. Among the biggest driving forces behind the upward climb are a lower overall mortality rate — with dea...
In the next 20 years, the California Department of Finance projects the breakdown will be: White:35% Hispanic:43% Black:6% Asian:13% Multiracial:4% Native American or Alaska Native:Less than 1% Population Growth California's population growth rate has slowed in recent years. Between 2014 and...
Los Angeles County led counties in numerical gains, up 91,400 to 7,952,700, according to the state Department of Finance’s annual population report. Advertisement The report listed Bakersfield, Rancho Cucamonga, Emeryville and Adelanto as California’s fastest growing cities. ...
According to the most recent data, Milpitas’ population is 77,321. (According to theDepartment of Finance, a more recent and accurate source of population statistics, the population of Milpitas is 81,773 as of January 1, 2024. The new report should be available soon.) ...
Finally, the State Department of Finance 2060 population estimates anticipate further dominance by the Interior & Valleys. The projection was made before the population losses had been reported, and the next set of projections will take into consideration later trends. However, the Bay and Border po...