California Department of Finance. Coronavirus Relief Fund Allocations for Cities and Counties, California State Controller. Actual allocations of federal CARES Act funds paid. Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, "CARES Act" text of law. CARES Act Information from the US Department...
The City of Los Angeles is a very large one, it is the nation'ssecond-largest city(following New York City). The January 2016 population estimate according to the California Department of Finance for the population of the City of Los Angeles was4,041,707. The County of Los Angeles is th...
443 during 2022, making for a .36% population loss in a single year. Also using Department of Finance Data, the Public Policy Institute of California estimated a decline of 211,000 residents in 2022. Meanwhile, the latest Census data cited above, once accounting for ...
Schedule Structures provide a means of allowing different groups of students (by grade level, by different terms, by different day layout) to have a unique layout for their learning day. This tab does not have any fields that are specific to the state of California. Please see theSchedule St...
Demographics Population: 174,308 (9/2008 CA Dept of Finance) Daytime Population: 151,648 Average Household Income: $90,939 Median Household Income: $75,429 Hosehold Incomes over $100,000 33.1% Median Age: 32.5 years Median Home Price-Existing Homes: $522,006 Median Home Price-Ne...
shows disparities: While 85.9 percent of whites reported they were in good-to-excellent health, 69.9 percent of Latinos and 77.5 percent of African-Americans said the same. Latinos make up the largest racial/ethnic group in the state, 39.2 percent, according to the state Department of Finance....
California Department of Finance –Research information on population density and financial profiles of counties within California. California Education & School Information –Find schools throughout the state, and view demographics and ranks for each. California Housing & Community Development –Access infor...
California's population growth rate has slowed in recent years. Between 2014 and 2015, the California population was estimated to have grown a mere 0.9%. Between 2016 and 2036, growth is expected to slow to .76%, or 6.5 million people, according to California's Department of Finance. ...
Finally, the State Department of Finance 2060 population estimates anticipate further dominance by the Interior & Valleys. The projection was made before the population losses had been reported, and the next set of projections will take into consideration later trends. However, the Bay and Border po...
Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Hmong Identity.caRace Race Other Asian An indication of whether or not a Student identifies him- or herself as belonging to this particular race/ethnicity. This will report Y based on the mark placed for the check box regarding the question, or blank if there...