Calibre E-Book Management Click to watch calibre demo Download calibreGet involved
5.设备同步:与主流的阅读设备如Kindle、iPad等无缝同步,提升阅读体验。 6.自定义性强:用户可以根据自己的需要自定义软件的各种设置。 软件特色 1.元数据编辑:Calibreapp提供了强大的元数据管理功能,用户可以轻松编辑书籍的标题、作者、封面等信息,使书库更加整齐有序。 2.图书馆服务:支持用户建立自己的网络图书馆,实...
Kindle是亚马逊推出的电子书阅读器,专门设计用于阅读MOBI格式的文件。用户只需将MOBI文件通过USB连接传输到Kindle设备,或者通过电子邮件发送到关联的Kindle邮箱,便可以轻松打开和阅读。 2. 使用Kindle应用 (Using Kindle App) 如果没有Kindle设备,用户也可以选择在智能手机或平板电脑上下载Kindle应用。Kindle应用支持多种平...
无法通过电子邮件发送书籍: 失败: 把 硬派健身 发Email到 yangzaideyangzai@kindle.cnStarting job: 把 硬派健身 发Email到 yangzaideyangzai@kindle.cn connect: (u'smtp.163.com', 465) connect: (u'smtp.163.com', 465) reply: '220 163.com Anti-spam GT for Coremail System (163com[20141201])\...
一、从安卓kindle app中下载所有文档,传送至电脑 打开app,长按选中所有电子书,点击下载。 可能是版本问题,此处无全选按钮,故略繁琐。(两百多本但选起来也挺快的。) 2. 将全部文档拷贝到电脑备用。 usb、airdroid等等都行。 我这里手机中的文档地址为sd/kindle。
Kindle output: Fix cover images that contain EXIF data without a rotation not displaying on the Kindle lockscreen Closes tickets: 1943495 E-book viewer: Fix ruby tags not excluded when searching for text Content server viewer: Fix a regression in the previous release that broke searching Clo...
Calibre, free and safe download. Calibre latest version: Organize, store, and read your e-books. If you own an ebook (electronic book) reader, or just
Optionally, to enable on-the-fly conversion from one ebook format to another when using the send-to-kindle feature, or during editing of ebooks metadata: Download and installthe Calibre desktop program for your platform and enter the folder including program name (normally /opt/calibre/ebook-conv...
Optionally, to enable on-the-fly conversion from one ebook format to another when using the send-to-kindle feature, or during editing of ebooks metadata: Download and installthe Calibre desktop program for your platform and enter the folder including program name (normally /opt/calibre/ebook-conv...