如何在我的安卓手机/平板电脑或Kindle Fire上使用Calibre? 我可以使用Kindle或其他阅读设备中的网络浏览器访问我的calibre图书吗? 我不能使用Calibre发送电子邮件? 我的设备在Linux中以只读方式安装,因此Calibre无法连接到它? 为什么Calibre不支持Kindle上的 收藏或Nook上的货架?
- launch your book reader application to read a book (works with most reader applications except for Amazon Kindle for Android on non-Fire devices). 2) CC can connect to calibre over WiFi and be detected by calibre as a device. Once connected, you use calibre to move books to and from...
For the ebooks published in 2023, here are 2 solutions to solve this problem: 1.If you have any Kindle device (kindle fire or kindle e-ink device) registered with your Amazon account. Please download the Kindle books via "download and transfer via USB" and then remove kindle drm with epu...
从calibre往kindle 里面传书有两种方法 一种是在calibre里面点击工具栏的connect /share ---> start content server, 然后在kindle3的浏览器当中输入地址http://x.x.x.x:8080, x.x.x.x是calibre所在机器的ip,点击书籍对应的mobi链接,下载到kindle中去 另外一种就是用usb线连上kindle,在calibre当中选择书籍,...
An iOS reader application (iBooks, Marvin, Kindle for iOS) subclasses iOSReaderApp(). A reader application which exports annotations (Bluefire Reader, GoodReader) subclasses ExportingReader(). Note that some reader apps may support both methods of annotations (e.g., Marvin). Apps supporting both...
2. If the app seems to "sit there and do nothing", it is likely that your Calibre Library hasn't been configured to allow Wireless Device connections OR that you have a firewall preventing it from doing so. 3. Kindle for Android only opens PDF files called from outside their app. ...
2. If the app seems to "sit there and do nothing", it is likely that your Calibre Library hasn't been configured to allow Wireless Device connections OR that you have a firewall preventing it from doing so. 3. Kindle for Android only opens PDF files called from outside their app. ...