One of the 6 Senators is up for reelection in 2012.Rod Wrightin the newly formed35th district. Wouldn’t it be great if we could teach these blue dogs a lesson by defeating them when they are up for reelection? That would send a clear message that taking money from insurance companies ...
There are the predictable long-term casualties in this process besides programs and individuals who need to be paid in a timely fashion. There are the elderly, the poor and the disabled. There are healthcare providers (not the insurance companies, but the real deals….those who actually do s...
of their “house of origin” this week and are heading to the second half and second legislative chamber in the weeks ahead. The remaining sponsored bill, AB 248 (Hernandez) on large employer junk insurance is further along in the process, having passed out of the Assembly several weeks ago...
The Obama White House yesterday finalized new clean car rules from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Dept. of Transportation (NHTSA), securing the largest boost in fuel economy in decades and, for the first time, using the Clean Air Act to require reductions in the amount of heat...
Talk about irony, Mercury Insurance and its front group Ca-FAIR have filed a lawsuit in Sacramento today attacking the ballot argument against Proposition 17 as “false and misleading.” Really? Seems Mercury and Cal-FAIR win top prize in that category. Their endless stream of lies, hyperbole,...
One pharmacist argues this week that the ACA will provide more competition to insurance companies, which could benefit health care providers and provide incentives for offering better care–competition could mean higher reimbursements. From the article: As a local pharmacy owner, […]the cash price...