Cal. Dept. moves to audit ELIC billings. (California Department of Insurance, Executive Life Insurance Co.)Crosson, Cynthia
The California Department of Employment and the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board appeal from a judgment of the superior court in administrative mandamus proceedings taken pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1094.5. The judgment reversed decisions denying certain unemployment insurance ben...
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) currently focuses its enforcement initiative on implementing the risk analysis requirements of the Security Management Standard under the HIPAA Security Law. OCR[...] ...
Reports on California Governor Pete Wilson's passage of a bill authorizing the transfer of approximately $14 million from the state's general fund to offset the state insurance department's 1995-1996 budget deficit. Number of projected layoffs; Payment of the judgment in the National Association ...
3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5). Under 40 U.S.C. 3702 of the Act, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard... We're sorry, something has gone wrong. Click hereto return to
Acadia Healthcare faces investigation by veterans department for potential insurance fraud Shirley H. Linnerster4 months ago Technology Electric vehicles face challenges but GM’s CEO remains optimistic Shirley H. Linnerster4 months ago Economy
test ride that worked for everyone (and btw test riding motorcycles is much more fun than test driving cars!), explained warranty options, and overall guided us through the buying process.To summarize, I only have positive things to say about both service and sales department of CalMoto ...
City— one of the largest department stores in the world—is undergoing a $400 million remodeling; the renovated store will feature Digical innovations such as interactive directories, digital product information, widespread use of RFID tagging and a new mobile app to guide customers as they shop...
test ride that worked for everyone (and btw test riding motorcycles is much more fun than test driving cars!), explained warranty options, and overall guided us through the buying process.To summarize, I only have positive things to say about both service and sales department of CalMoto ...