The Flutter Calendar, or scheduler library, was natively written in Dart and has eight built-in, configurable view modes that provide basic functionalities for scheduling, managing, and representing appointments efficiently. This Flutter Calendar widget exposes a clean and convenient user interface for ...
How to customize the day, week, month header of Schedule view in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar) How to customize the schedule view month header using builder in Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar) How to customize the appointment height in schedule view of the Flutter event calendar (...
Flexible working days - Customize the work days in a workweek so that the remaining days will be hidden from view. Number of days in view - Customize the number of days in view in the flutter event calendar. First day of the week - Customize the first day of the week as needed. The...
Create a simple project using the instructions given in the Getting Started with your first Flutter app documentation.Add dependencyAdd the Syncfusion Flutter calendar dependency to your pubspec.yaml file.dependencies: syncfusion_flutter_calendar: ^xx.x.xx...
In Calendar schedule view, this loading indicator will be displayed when a user reaches the start or end position to load more appointments. You can build the custom widget for a loading indicator by using the loadMoreWidgetBuilder property in the Flutter Calendar. Refer to the following code ...
A quick-start project that helps you add Syncfusion Flutter Event Calendar widget to a Flutter app. In this example, you will learn how to change the calendar view and the first day of the week, set the initial display date, set the initial selected date of the calendar and schedule appoi...
add_event_view.dart below:import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_colorpicker/flutter_colorpicker.dart'; class EventCreator extends StatefulWidget { const EventCreator({super.key}); @override State<EventCreator> createState() => _EventCreatorState(); } class _Event...
This usually includes options like “view-only” or “edit” access, giving users control and rights to edit and manage the calendar. You can also integrate your calendar app with messaging or email platforms (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams). In this way, your users can discuss and ...
Here is the code I'm using theSyncfusion Calendarin Flutter: import'package:flutter/material.dart';import'package:myhumgupdate/App/Config/palette.dart';import'package:myhumgupdate/Icon/dbicons.dart';import'package:myhumgupdate/Widgets/dialog_loading.dart';import'package:myhumgupdate/giangvien/...