How to create a calendar app? To create a calendar app follow these steps: Step 1. Determine app’s purpose and target audience Step 2. Find a reliable IT vendor Step 3. Define calendar app’s tech stack Step 4. Create a calendar app’s UI/UX design Step 5. Select and implement cor...
Finally, update the code to use the library of HTML-to-react and seamlessly convert HTML markups to produce react components in case the component was a container. Summary Overall,there are multiple ways to create an embedded React widget in a page, site or an application. You can also enca...
I am going to develop a holiday app in flutter using table calendar can i add only special holidays in to calender.In my code every month 20 show as selected date.i want to select specific holiday in all the can i do this. develop holiday calender using flutter m...
import'package:flutter/material.dart';classCalendarUIextendsStatelessWidget{@overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {DateTimestartDate;DateTimeendDate =DateTime.utc(2021,04,10); getDaysInBetween() {finalintdifference = startDate.difference(endDate).inDays...
Create an Excel worksheet We have created a basic Flutter application and included the required packages. Let’s now create a balance sheet using the Flutter Excel Library: Step 1: Create styles We are going to apply some styles in the balance sheet Excel document. Refer to the following code...
In theFlutter Event Calendar, you can add the appointment to the Firebase database using appointment editor. STEP 1:In initState(), set the default values for the calendar. CalendarController_controller;List<String>_eventNameCollection; @override ...
When you select the REGISTER PAYMENT button, the system will give a pop-up window, as shown in the image below. You can include the Journal, Payment Method, Recipient Bank Account, Amount, Payment Date, and Memo. Then you can select the CREATE PAYMENT button. ...
Cocos2D is a great framework, but sometimes it’s handy to implement some of your game with UIKit. For example, it’s often useful to design your main menu, settings pages, and the like with UIKit and just use Cocos2D for your main game logic. You also m
Demo', click on the SAVE icon. You can get the link to ‘Schedule a Demo’ online appointment from the Meeting window. Click on the Share Availabilities option at the top of the calendar on the right end. All the created appointments are viewable here, as depicted in the screenshot ...
Once you are clear about your niche keywords, audience, and marketing goals, start creating a content calendar. Your content calendar should outline your topics, keywords, and publishing schedule. If you don’t know how to create a content calendar or you simply don’t have the time – you...