But a traditional calculator lacks the history and exposition of a Jupyter notebook and the power and massive catalog of tools available in Python. Why not incorporate the strengths of all into one App. So this project was born and has become a go-to tool for daily engineering math and ...
Advanced Scripting Calculator Language A quick help guide to using the language, further documentation to come https://repl.it/@AndrewRubinstei/AscalLang-1#myCode.asl Your input testing the value supplied in this case 0 not(0) Result of test: ...
Unfortunately, last month, I got sidetracked with the movie The Number 23 and started another script looking at how to do numerology within the shell scripting environment. You'd think I was a typical programmer or something, being sidetracked and losing a thread by picking up another one. It...
1. Calculation using Single command $ echo "4+10" | bc 14 2. Calculation using Multiple commands $ echo "obase=15;5+9" | bc E 3. Using previous results in the current operation In the following example, “last” represents the result of the previous calculation. echo "1+3;last/2" ...
The Simple Mortgage Calculator Implemented in C/C++, Javascript and MySQL the principle of a simple mortgage calculator is really simple, which is based on the following math formula.
The Folderview ActiveX Control mimics the behaviour of the Windows Explorer Treeview showing the tree structure of the files and folders and other items in the shell's namespace. 47,EasterEgg.zip this is an EasterEgg OCX that you can drop on to your about form. The control can be hidden...
Released: Exchange 2013 Server Role Requirements Calculator To download the calculator, please see the attachment on this post (also note that the calculator can be used for E2016 deployments as per this). It’s been a long road, but the initial release of t....
Adding a site to the trusted sites to all domain users using powershell script Adding bulk sites to trusted zone Adding computer to Security Group is not showing in Gpresult Adding Favorites in Favorites bar using Group Policy adding group policy to non domain computers Adding IKEv2-based VPN ...
The FolderView Control allows you to add a Windows Explorer-like treeview to your own application, which shows all the folders and even files in the shell's namespace exactly as Windows Explorer shows.The FolderView Control offers powerful functionality to browse the Shell's Namespace. 66,V...
Released: Exchange 2013 Server Role Requirements Calculator To download the calculator, please see the attachment on this post (also note that the calculator can be used for E2016 deployments as per this). It’s been a long road, but the initial release of t....