在这种情况下,应根据工作计算机中的注册表项检查以下注册表项的权限,以查看是否存在一些差异。 \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders 在此示例中,所有应用程序包都缺少 User Shell 文件夹中的“读取”权限。 也可以使用 PowerShell 或命令提...
Explore a step-by-step guide on using a PowerShell script for smooth Windows 11 upgrades. Ideal for IT professionals and MSPs ensuring timely system transitions.
Open PowerShell, preferably as an administrator. Copy and paste the code below into PowerShell, press enter to run the script: &([scriptblock]::Create((irm"https://debloat.raphi.re/"))) Wait for the script to automatically download Win11Debloat. ...
# White list of Features On Demand V2 packages $WhiteListOnDemand = "NetFX3|DirectX|Tools.DeveloperMode.Core|Language|InternetExplorer|ContactSupport|OneCoreUAP|WindowsMediaPlayer|Hello.Face|Notepad|MSPaint|PowerShell.ISE|ShellComponents" # White list of appx packages to keep installed $WhiteListedApps ...
32. Windows PowerShell Scripting-- If you want to make the most of Windows PowerShell on Windows 7, you'll need a quick way to build and debug scripts. Windows 7 comes with an interactive editor that allows you to try out cmdlets and test functions on the fly. ...
安装了 Windows PowerShell 2.0 安装了 SQL Server 2008 Express 安装了 AppFabric 示例位置和文件Scripts\ScriptCmdlets.ps1 Readme.mhtml 设置和运行本示例运行此脚本:使用管理权限打开 Windows PowerShell 控制台。 导航到包含本示例的文件夹。 导航到 SQLMonitoringQueryCmdlets 示例文件夹的 Scripts 子目录。
appium:prerun An object containing either script or command key. The value of each key must be a valid PowerShell script or command to be executed prior to the WinAppDriver session startup. See Power Shell commands execution for more details. Example: {script: 'Get-Process outlook -ErrorAct...
Michael, I have utilized the powershell script you show in the post install section (while still in WinPE). The COMObject does not load and does not expose the variables for the log share. Is there any update when the x64 WinPE will have x64 powershell available to utilize those ...
Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Process -Filter “Name=’calculator.exe'” | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName Terminate Without any doubt, the best feature of the CIM cmdlets is CIM sessions. If you think back to PowerShell remoting for a second, you can send individual commands to a remote machin...
16.powershell- 如果命令提示符对你来说太旧了,那么你可能想尝试使用PowerShell。只需在"运行"对话框中键入此命令,即可在没有管理员权限的情况下打开PowerShell。 17.netplwiz- 通用用户帐户选项可通过"控制面板"访问,但如果要使用高级用户帐户选项,请使用此命令打开"高级用户帐户"窗口。如果要处理授权管理器,请使用...