The Price of Fuel For every trip, employees need gas. There are several reasons calculating the fuel portion of a mileage reimbursement isn’t easy. Fuel prices change fairly often. Production impacts the cost of fuel the most. The economy and geopolitical conflict can result in a slowing or...
The trip fuel wizard (beta) page and the mobile trip fuel wizard take your information and can tell you about what that trip, 30 miles or 3000 miles will cost in fuel. (also KM) The Hyper-Mileage page (Warning: a long essay with charts. For just the highlights, see below) deals ...
John Sundberg tells us how to best leverage a service catalog for success in his article on page 16. Accountability has become a necessity, due in part, because of the numerous scandals and organizational failures that have cost many their life savings, their jobs, and even their lives. So ...
As can be seen from the above tables, the needs for fuel supply directly translate into the number of vehicles of a certain capacity according to the principle of the smaller the capacity, the more vehicles should be secured to carry the required amount of fuel in one trip. The balance ...