the apparent size of the full moon from Earth can vary from month to month. When a full moon and a perigee coincide, you get a supermoon. When a full moon and an apogee coincide, you get a micromoon.
When a full moon and a perigee coincide, you get a supermoon. When a full moon and an apogee coincide, you get a micromoon. Of course it's not quite that simple because the concept of a supermoon was invented by Richard Nolle, an astrologist. In other words, supermoons aren't ...
the apparent size of the full moon from Earth can vary from month to month. When a full moon and a perigee coincide, you get a supermoon. When a full moon and an apogee coincide, you get a micromoon.
The cycle of the moon's phases is relatively constant, but, due to its elliptical orbit, its distance from the Earth is not. Over the course of a month, the moon moves between its closest distance to Earth (perigee) and its farthest distance to Earth (apogee). This means that the moon...