Number of Tiles We Need = (Total Area to be Laid / Area of Tiles) x Tiles Wastage% Note. This statisticalfloor tile calculatoris provided for your personal use and should be used as a guide only. Construction and other decisions should NOT be based on the results of this calculator. Alt...
1)0.092 2)0.093 3)0.102 4)0.103 4Jackwantstoreplacetheflooringinhisrectangular kitchen.Hecalculatestheareaofthefloortobe 12.8squaremeters.Theactualareaoftheflooris 13.5squaremeters.Whatistherelativeerrorin calculatingtheareaofthefloor,tothenearest thousandth? 1)0.051 2)0.052 3)0.054 4)0.055 5Studentsc...