也就是说,当底为第一个数,指数为第二个数时,用(int)(Math.log(x)/Math.log(base))是有问题的,又有人提出用近似值("epsilon")来减小误差:(int)(Math.log(x)/Math.log(2)+1e-10),这种方法也是可以的; 方法二: publicstaticintlog2(intn){ if(n <=0)throw new IllegalArgumentException(); ret...
指数函数:指数函数是y=a^x的形式,其中a是底数,x是指数。在calculate中,可以使用“^”符号进行指数运算。例如,2^3等于多少?对数函数:对数函数是y=log_a(x)的形式,在calculate中,可以通过输入"log(num, base)"来计算,其中num是你要求的数,base是你想用哪个底数计算。例如,log...
#define _TR1_C99 #include <math.h> float log2(floatx); long double log2(long doublex); General description The log2 functions compute the base-2 logarithm ofx. Note:The following table shows the viable formats for these functions. SeeIEEE binary floating-pointfor more information about I...
The log2() functions compute the base-2 logarithm ofx. Notes: These functions work in IEEE decimal floating-point format. SeeIEEE decimal floating-pointIEEE Decimal Floating-Point for more information. To use IEEE decimal floating-point, the hardware must have the Decimal Floating-Point...
PS C:\> $wmi.LocalDateTime.gettype() IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType --- --- --- --- True True String System.Object 如果您需要让两个时间相减,请确保您使用的是时间值,而不是字符串。办法很简单,就是使用 Windows PowerShell 添加到所有 WMI 类的 ConvertToDateTime 方法:复制 PS C:\> $wmi...
Dears,How to calculate the NPV for the modified table if we pay 1,500,000 during feb 22 amd pay 345,154 during sep 23 and pay the reset equaly over the 8...
Map world_war_ii_global Log Message java.lang.IllegalStateException: Round 10,000 reached in a battle. Something must be wrong. Please report this to TripleA. Territory: 62 Sea Zone Attacker: Japanese Attacking unit types: carrier,battle...
Current default calculation output files accepted are .log or .out file extensions. New extensions can be detected by using GoodVibes with the option --custom_ext file_extension. The --bav option allows the user to choose how the average moment of inertia is computed, used in computing the ...
Quinapalus Home :: Things Technical :: Calculate exp() and log() Without Multiplications This page describes a couple of algorithms for computing the elementary mathematical functions log(x) (logarithm to the base e) and exp(x) (e to the power x). The algorithms avoid multiplication and ...
IOPS/mailboxInput/output per second, per mailbox. The raw database (DB) disk usage (input/output per second) required per user that is measured during the peak two-hour period on a production server. This metric does not include transaction log input/output (I/O) operations. For example...