Mera Calculator offers collection of free online calculators for immediate use with detailed explanation and formula for each calculator for easy reference.
Method 1 – Use Excel LOG Function The LOG functioncomputes the logarithm of a number to a particular base. In order to use theLOGfunction, select a cell and enter the function as shown below. Steps: To find log base 2, select an output cell (In this example,D5). Enter the following...
Log calculator online - calculate a logarithm with any base. ➤ log(x) calculator with a default base - the natural algorithm. Logarithm calculations with base 2, base 10, and so on. Logarithm calculation algorithms, applications, and more. Log calcula
#define _TR1_C99 #include <math.h> float log2(floatx); long double log2(long doublex); General description The log2 functions compute the base-2 logarithm ofx. Note:The following table shows the viable formats for these functions. SeeIEEE binary floating-pointfor more information about I...
log[10]x log[2]x = --- log[10]2 1. 即:(int)(Math.log(x)/Math.log(base)); 如果只是计算以2为底的对数,上面的方法没有什么问题,如果以3或者其他数为底的时候,上面的方法就暗藏玄机了,强制装换成Int类型不一定可靠,以前写程序遇到过强制转后精度丢失的问题,结果查了半天才把这个bug找出来。上面...
/* CELEBL09 This example calculates the base 10 logarithm of 1000.0. */ #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { double x = 1000.0, y; y = log10(x); printf("The base 10 logarithm of %lf is %lf\n", x, y); } ...
Calculate the value of log 2 to the base 10 using the inverse of logarithmic function or exponential function as follows: \[Log_{a}X = Y \Rightarrow X = a^{Y}\] If \[Log_{10}2 = Y\], then it can be written in the form of exponents as \[2 = 10^{Y}\] ...
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; float solve( int x ) { float answer; answer = log2( x ); return answer; } int main() { cout << "Log base 2 for input x = 32 is: " << solve( 32 ) << endl; cout << "Log base 2 for input x = 1024 is: ...
Earned media value (EMV) is a great way to find the ROI of your social media marketing efforts. Here's how to measure your EMV.
Free and easy to use online median calculator. ➤ A median finder which calculates the median value of a set of numbers - which is the value that appears most often in the data set. Learn how to find the median of a set of numbers. Understand what the