DAX函数可以直接引用已经创建好的度量值,可以使DAX函数看起来更简洁、更具可读性,这也是建议从最简单的度量值开始建的原因。 02 | 添加限制条件,缩小上下文 建一个度量值[产品数量2], 产品数量2 = CALCULATE([产品数量],'产品明细'[品牌]="苹果") 发现只有苹果的产品计数显示出来,而其他品牌的数据没有了,这...
我们可以使用以下DAX公式来实现上述步骤: Average Age of Buyers for Product X = CALCULATE( AVERAGE(Customers[Age]), FILTER( ALL('Sales'), Sales[ProductID] = "X" ), VALUES(Sales[CustomerID]) ) 要彻底理解上述DAX公式如何实现跨表查询,我们需要深入探讨CALCULATE函数及其内部组件的工作原理。CALCULATE...
Beginning with the September 2021 release of Power BI Desktop, the following also apply:They cannot use functions that scan or return a table unless they are passed as arguments to aggregation functions. They can contain an aggregation function that returns a scalar value. For example, DAX ...
There's also theCALCULATETABLEfunction. It performs exactly the same functionality, except it modifies thefilter contextapplied to an expression that returns atable object. Syntax DAXCopy CALCULATE(<expression>[, <filter1> [, <filter2> [, …]]]) ...
There's also theCALCULATETABLEfunction. It performs exactly the same functionality, except it modifies thefilter contextapplied to an expression that returns atable object. Syntax DAX CALCULATE(<expression>[, <filter1> [, <filter2> [, …]]]) ...
也可以通过《DAX神功》第1卷第17回我们讲的Allexcept函数实现,如果是列我推荐你使用,现在是表,我不推荐你使用。 all成绩表=CALCULATE([总分],ALLEXCEPT('成绩表','学生表')) 比如:在一对多关系中,成绩表是多端表,它有扩展表,包含学生表的所有列,因为我们的案例只有2个表,如果有4张表,假设成绩表的扩展表包括...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_hFMQdqhzY白话数据分析,从小白到数据分析大师系列1、商业数据分析师基础课-Excel从入门到精通2、办公室必学Power BI基础... ...更多课程见:https://qr24.cn/FPY2e0, 视频播放量 163、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转
Power BI RELATED DAX Function: Introduction and Use Cases Learn how to use the RELATED DAX function in Power BI to simplify data modeling and build insightful reports. Joleen Bothma 9 min tutorial Power BI DAX Tutorial for Beginners Learn what DAX is and discover the fundamental DAX syntax and...
在Power BI DAX函数中,Calculate函数的计算顺序可以从内向外,正如《DAX神功》中所提及的。不同的思考方式可能导致不同的实现方法,但这并不影响其功能的本质。理解这一点的关键在于,内层Calculate首先根据给定条件筛选并计算值,而外层的all()函数在内层计算完成后将不再起作用,因为它针对的是已经筛选...
This month, we are continuing our work on the ongoing previews of DirectQuery for PowerBI datasets and Azure Analysis Services, Small Multiples, and the Model View UI. Also, we are making it easier to specify filters in the DAX CALCULATE function. On the Service side, when you click on a...