dentium genome harbors the machinery required to generate acetate (65, 120) (KEGG Pathway, map 01120), a short-chain fatty acid that has also been shown to stimulate Muc2 expression (121, 122). We have also previously shown that B. dentium secretes 3.4 ± 0.4 mg/ml GABA (87)...
This CaSR mediated crosstalk between the extra- and intra- cellular Ca2+signaling is integral to protein biosynthesis and trafficking, including regulation of CaSR abundance, as well as inducing its active conformation and dictating its dynamic life cycle15. Prolonged exposure to Ca2+exis known to ...
PI3K/mTOR, and Hippo pathway51. In this research, we focused on the RhoA/ROCK1 pathway and cytoskeletal regulation. Studies on the role of actin and its interacting partners have highlighted key signaling pathways, RhoA/ROCK and its downstream effector proteins that, through...
Utilizing string software, various biological and KEGG pathways were identified. Fos, Fosb, and Junb were predicted to be involved in cellular response to calcium ion and IL-17 signaling pathways. Furthermore, Fos and Socs3 were implicated in the IL-6 signaling pathway (Fig. 9C). Moreover, ...
The free online platform Novogene was utilized to conduct Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analyses. The expressions of key signaling pathways were validated using western blot assay. Osteogenic differentiation of BMSC...
Therefore, we obtained the sodium/calcium exchanger (termed NCX) proteins from the KEGG Database. The ncx gene of A. cristatus was cloned and characterized. The full length of ncx gene is 3055?bp, including a 2994‐bp open reading frame encoding 994 amino acids. The expression levels of...
The results of KEGG pathway enrichment analysis suggested that the most significantly enriched pathways of differentially expressed genes in LO vs LS included neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cAMP signaling pathway, cocaine addiction, calcium signaling pathway and so on, and the most significantly ...
chemokine signaling pathway, cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, and Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis (Supplementary Fig.3a,b). In addition, gene sets known to be affected in psoriasis were highlighted, including cytokines (Il17a,Il17f,Il18,Il20, andIl22), chemokines (Ccl20,Ccl27a, andCcl...
(Fig.1). These DEGs indicated that peanut kernels and shells showed different responses to Ca2+during pod development. During peanut pod development, calcium deficiency caused many genes to change in their expression level both in kernels and shells. Based on GO and KEGG pathway analyses, DEGs ...
Through the KEGG pathway analysis of differential lipids, we further verified that these lipids are mainly involved in glyceride and glycerophospholipid metabolic pathways. The increase of glycerides, especially MG and TG, may reflect the accumulation of intermediate products during lipolysis and the ...