网络钙离子信号通道 网络释义 1. 钙离子信号通道 钙离子信号通道(Calcium signaling pathway) 基因表达谱PCR芯片介绍 返回 产品简介 基因列表 价格 产品简介 楚天生物钙离子 …|基于2个网页
The Ca2+ dependent signaling pathway plays an important role in cellular development and metabolism. Previous studies have shown that Ca2+/calcineurin regulated signal transduction circuits control development and pathogenicity of Magnaporthe oryzae, a causing agent of rice blast. MoCRZ1 (M. oryzae Calc...
Goel, M., Zuo, C. D. & Schilling, W. P. Role of cAMP/PKA signaling cascade in vasopressin-induced trafficking of TRPC3 channels in principal cells of the collecting duct.Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol.298, F988–F996 (2010). ArticleCASPubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Tomilin, V. ...
CPK1 activates CNGCs through phosphorylation for Ca2+signaling to promote root hair growth in Arabidopsis Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels (CNGCs) contribute to root hair growth through mediating Ca2+influx at root hair tips. Here calcium dependent protein kinase 1 is found to directly activate CNGC...
ComponentsoftheCalcium-CalcineurinSignalingPathwayinFungal CellsandTheirPotentialasAntifungalTargets ShuyuanLiu, a YinglongHou, b WeiguoLiu, d ChunyanLu, d WeixinWang, c ShujuanSun d SchoolofPharmaceuticalSciences,ShandongUniversity,Jinan,ShandongProvince,People’sRepublicofChina a ;DepartmentofCardiology,Qian...
肠内分泌细胞(Enteroendocrine Cells)钙信号(Calcium Signaling) 味觉(Taste) 苯胺化合物(Aniline Compounds) 谷氨酸(Glutami…|基于53个网页 2. 钙离子起始信号 ...ed protein reaction,UPR)和钙离子起始信号(calcium signaling) 。
Human cAMP/Calcium Signaling Pathway,一、产品介绍:BioTNT qPCR Array专为检测不同组织或细胞中特定基因的表达量而设计,这些基因按照预制或定制要求成套设置。检测结果所显示的表达差异可帮助研究者鉴定或验证这些基因的生物学意义,以及与其研究的重要
Calcium is a crucialmicronutrientfor the human body. Extracellular calcium ions stimulate the calcification of bone matrix and cartilage, whileintracellular calciumions impactprotein synthesis,enzyme activity, and metabolic reactions. When cells are stimulated by various factors, thecalcium signalingpathwa...
Ca2+signaling pathway operates in many different modes, thus enabling it to function over a wide dynamic range. It can trigger exocytosis at synaptic endings within microseconds and muscle contraction in milliseconds, whereas, at the other end of the scale, it can operate over minutes to hours ...
Purpose: Cell cycle-related calcium signals, bearing some similarity to those previously described in other animal species, have also been observed in human preimplantation embryos. These signals follow those occurring in both gametes during the period preceding fertilization and those induced by the fer...