Methods:A total of 500 legs in 250 patients (148 women and 102 men; mean age, 51years; range, 18-87years) referred to our vascular clinic for symptoms and signs of CVD were included. After duplex ultrasound evaluation of the deep, superficial, and perforating veins, the skin and SCL ...
Towards the end of the operation the anaesthetist reported rapid deterioration in the patient's condition and a pint of blood was given directly into the abdominal aorta. The patient made an uneventful recoverv except for some thrombosis in the veins of his legs associated with a rise in the ...
causingittobuildupinthebloodstreamandstickin crystalformtothearteriesandveins,andalsoformstonesinthekidneys. HIGHBLOODPRESSURE: Oncetheuricacidcrystalsprovidearoughenedsurface,acombinationofcalciumsaltsand cholesterolwillsticktoit,formingtheatheroscleroticplaquethatclogsthearterylikeboilerscaleina waterpipe.Inadvanced...