莱州湾拟哲水蚤Paracalanus sp.发育期丰度组成和个体大小季节变化
Potential rate of reproduction for some geographically separate populations of Pseudocalanus sp. - Oceanologia, 46(1): 65-83.DZIERZBICKA-GLOWACKA L., ZIELIŃSKI A. Potential rate of reproduction for some geographically separate popu- lations of Pseudocalanus spp. Oceanologia 46, 65, 2004....
The results presented here indicate that Pseudocalanus sp. from Puget Sound (a species resembling Pseudocalanus minutus) is similar to P. elongatus from the southern North Sea and the English Channel with respect to growth parameters in the studied range of temperatures for excess food. P. ...
A Bucklin,AM Bentley,SP Franzen - 《Marine Biology》 被引量: 89发表: 1998年 Distribution and relative abundance of Pseudocalanus moultoni and P. newmani (Copepoda:... Presents a description of the life cycles of the Pseudocalanus moultoni and Pseudocalanus newmani, with focus on marine bi...
它与双刺纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)、长腹剑水蚤(Oithona sp.)、强额拟哲水蚤(Pavocalanus crassirostris)是包括莱州湾在内的渤海水域小型浮游动物中的优势种类(毕洪生等, 2000; 王荣等, 2002),且其在上层经济鱼类的仔、稚鱼的开口饵料组成中占有绝对数量比例(孟田湘, 2001)。较其他海区如海洲湾(盖建军等, ...
Bucklin A, Bentley AM, Franzen SP (1998) Distribution and relative abundance of Pseudocalanus moultoni and P. newmani (Copepoda: Calanoida) on Georges Bank using molecular identification of sibling species. Marine Biology, 132, 97-106.
JC Roff,WG Sprules,JCH Carter,... - 《Can.j.fish.aquat.sci》 被引量: 69发表: 1981年 Factors contributing to coexistence of Chaoborus flavicans and C. punctipennis (Diptera, Chaoboridae) in a small meromictic lake Sardella, LC, Carter, JCH (1983) Factors contributing to coexistence of...
和骨条藻(Skeletonema sp.)。 1.4 中华哲水蚤的采集 实验所用的中华哲水蚤是2014年4月于青岛港码头(36°04′N, 120°19′E)用浅水Ⅱ型浮游生物网(网口直径0.32m, 筛绢孔径160μm)进行垂直拖网获得, 现场水温 11.5°C。样品暂存于保温桶(20L)中, 并于 1小时内转移至实验室。通过肉眼挑选大小相似的、健康...
利用常规显微镜直接计数法 ,研究了大连近海两种优势桡足类小拟哲水蚤 (Para calanusparvus)和拟长腹剑水蚤 (Oithonasimilis )在不同温度、饵料密度、光照周期条件下摄食率的变化情况 ,并比较了其对不同饵料———新月菱形藻 (Nitzschiaclostertum)、亚心形扁藻 (Platymonassubcordiformis)、小球藻 (Chlorellasp )、...