calanus euxinuscalanus helgolandicuspseudocalanus elongatusphylogeographycytochrome oxidase ICalanus helgolandicus is a widespread epipelagic copepod species whose geographical range extends from the temperate Atlantic Ocean to the northern Mediterranean Sea. Calanus euxinus, recently designated as a distinct...
Comparison of abundance, vertical distribution and reproduction of the cousin species, the boreal Calanus finmarchicus and temperate Calanus helgolandicus was carried out on four cruises in July and August north of the Dogger Bank, North Sea. During this period, the water column was highly stratifie...
helgolandicus; during a low, negative NAO index the reverse is true. However, since 1995 this strong Calanus/NAO relationship has broken down and the causes of this are presently unknown. It suggests a change in the nature of the link between climate and plankton in the north-east Atlantic...
Pavlova, E VShulman, G EMuravskaya, Z.A., Pavlova, E.V. and Shulman, G.E. (1980) On the oxygen consumption and nitrogen excretion in Calanus helgolandicus and Pontella mediterranea (in Russ.), Ecologiya Morya , 5 , 33–40
euxinus suggests Pleistocene divergences between Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Black Sea populations . Mar. Biol. 147 : 1353 – 1365 .L. N. Papadopoulos,K. T. C. A. Peijnenburg,P. C. Luttikhuizen. Phylogeography of the calanoid copepods Calanus helgolandicus and C. euxinus ...
The activity of the enzymes aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARS) in adult females and males and copepodites stage V of Calanus helgolandicus was studied at the L4 time-series station in the English Channel from June 2002 to December 2003. AARS activity was explored as an index of somatic growth...
The food selectivity of tethered females of the copepod Calanus helgolandicus was examined by using the colorimetric approach. First, feeding behavior of the copepod did not show any differences between the red-color stained with neutral red and non-stained diets using the diatom Coscinodiscus curva...
XIV: Utilization of lipid by Calanus helgolandicus during maturation and reproduction. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 60, 391–399 (1980) Google Scholar Heberer, G.: Die Spermatogenese der Copepoden. 1: Die Spermatogenese der Centropagiden nebst Anhang ueber die Oogenese der Diaptomus ...
Calanus helgolandicus and particulate material in Plymouth sea water, in terms of amino acid composition : Cowey C. B. and E. D. S. Corner, 1963. J. Mar. Biol. Ass., U.K., 43 (2): 495–511Show moreShow less Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have ...
helgolandicus. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 238: 301—306 Stoecker D K, Capuzzo J M, 1990. Predation on Protozoa: its importance to zooplankton. J Plankton Res, 12(5): 891—908 Sun S, Huo Y Z, Yang B, 2010. Zooplankton functional groups on the continental shelf of the yellow sea. Deep ...