Hobby Lobby is introducing online cake decorating classes in 2022. You don’t need any official qualifications to become a cake decorator, so you can get started on a career right after completing these courses. These classes take place online and, although they are free, they require that you...
We have introduced new products, and gotten better at the Cake decorating game as the years progressed. Still learning new techniques everyday! Setting up a website is a new phase in my journey, and I look up to God to fulfill all his promises for WOW! Cakes Enterprises. ...
any one specific link to the best advice for smooth, simple decorating/handling? I always make pops so I am used to the stick…so nervous about dipping and setting them to dry and keeping them smooth and fully encased in coating (no cake “bald spot” underneath) and not getting a blob...
Marisa Miller Wolfson and Laura Delhauer know that many parents like to have a “smash cake” for their little’s first birthday, so they created a delicious, naturally sweetened, baby-safe cake that you can let your baby smash and devour. But, remember, you don’t have to be the paren...
Middle School Course Requisite: Locker Decorating 101 Well, Middle School has officially begun. The back-to-school shopping for school supplies included the standard Sharpies, highlighters, folders, notecards and three ring binders. What has become part of our more recently celebrated return-to-sch...
A while back, before I took cake decorating classes, my mom and I made a cake, and I remember, no matter what we did to try to get a nice, even frost on the cake, it came out HORRIBLE. We later found out it was because trans fat was taken out of everything and crisco would ...
bobwonderbuns...michaelle was my cake decorating instructor at OCC. she was the one that told us of the classes. i'll see her tues to find out about signing up really? How cool!! I'm hopefully going to meet her when she gets back from her trip near the end of Jan. I teach at...
One more thing…I don’t know how you’re planning on decorating this cake. But, any decoration or border is going to look less crisp and sharp when made out of seven minute icing. In fact, I don’t even know if I’d recommend doing it. You’re at least going to want some sort...
Heather – If there is a Michael’s or Hobby Lobby near you, they give cake classes. I took a cake class at a Whole Foods cooking school. But it’ kind of random what they offer. Heather — July 30, 2008 @ 5:04 pm Reply Having only begun decorating cakes a few short years ago...
” cheer has simmered down a bit — freak out because they haven’t yet a) traveled the world, b) made their first million, paid off all of their debt and saved up enough for$200 toysfor their little snowflake or c) well, grown up yet. But me, I actually had a moment of ...