Welcome, the God of Wealth! OpenSubtitles2018.v3 香格里拉财神是一个农村小城镇在阿雷纳尔火山脚下。 La Fortuna is a small rural town located at the foot of the Arenal Volcano. ParaCrawl Corpus 位于香格里拉仅5分钟财神驾驶,我们的住宿是冒险家的完善,学生,情侣和预算的旅客谁是干净的,家庭期待的...
cái shén god of wealthExample Usage Show Strokes Browse Dictionary 财会 | caikuai | cai kuai 财东 | caidong | cai dong 财权 | caiquan | cai quan 财源 | caiyuan | cai yuan 财源滚滚 | caiyuangungun | cai yuan gun gun 财物 | caiwu | cai wu 财产 | caichan | cai chan...
财神God of Wealth Caishen 财富 在这个灵气满溢的时刻 我以财神爷之名给予你们特别的祝福愿每一道晨光照进你们的生活带来前所未有的财富与繁荣就像春天的雨露滋养大地愿幸运与成功的种子在你们心中生根发芽开花结果让智慧之光引导你们穿越迷雾发现隐藏在日常生活中的黄金机会愿你们的勤劳与执着 化作丰收的果实装满每一...
He’s the Heavenly Treasurer-in-Chief and God of Wealth, having been elevated to Godly status after a spot of mountain meditation. Once a mortal general named Zhao who fought for the Emperor Zhou (Zhou Wang), he rode a black tiger into battle and was armed with exploding pearls. Fat...
Characters & creatures 3D Models Cultural heritage & history 3D Models statue humanities grassroots godofwealth caishen grassrootshumanities, Thomas Flynn and zjh20041224 liked this model Comments You must log in to comment. Log in to commentSuggested...
Thus, unless there is a specific reason otherwise, when there are festivities to celebrate such asChinese New Yearand the presence of the god of wealth is warranted, then Cai Shen will be the one making his presence felt. This god is embodied in various historical figures. Therefore, it is...
Performers in "caishen", or the "God of Wealth" costumes perform at the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, a well-preserved historical architectural complex named as Sanfang Qixiang in Chinese, in Fuzhou, capital of southeast China's Fujian Province, Feb. 1, 2017, the fifth day into the new ...
财神送运一起来发运 The Caishen (God of Wealth) reigns today! We wish you great fortune in the year ahead!
Explore the history of Caishen, the Chinese God of money and wealth, and understand his role in Chinese mythology. Review the mythology associated...
God of Wealth 造句 不要三天两头的向我借钱,我可不是财神。 「财神」的意思和解释 辞典修订版解释 神话传说中的人物。参见「赵公明」条。戏称掌管钱财或能给人钱财的人。如:「不要三天两头的向我借钱,我可不是财神。 」也称为「财神爷」。 辞典简编版解释 ...