Caffeine App has the following features: - track your caffeine consumption - HealthKit support (add, delete or update your entries) - time of optimal sleeping time - notifications if sleeping time reached - choose your own sleeping time, caffeine amount with which you can still sleep and the ...
Caffeine App has the following features: - track your caffeine consumption - HealthKit support (add, delete or update your entries) - time of optimal sleeping time - notifications if sleeping time reached - choose your own sleeping time, caffeine amount with which you can still sleep and the ...
Track your caffeine consumption with Caffeine App, so you can see at a glance when you are ready to go to bed, how much caffeine you have consumed and how much caffeine is in your body. If you have an Apple Watch, you can track your caffeine consumption with the Caffeine Watch App. ...
Track your caffeine consumption with Caffeine App, so you can see at a glance when you are ready to go to bed, how much caffeine you have consumed and how much caffeine is in your body. If you have an Apple Watch, you can track your caffeine consumption with the Caffeine Watch App. ...
Caffeine 是一款咖啡因摄入管理 App ,前不久刚在 App Store 上线 1.0 版本,所有功能都集中在一个屏幕完成,无论是功能还是设计都遵循极简主义。第一次打开 Caffeine,开机屏上的文字精准的描述了它的功能: Caffeine 是能够追踪你每天咖啡因的摄入量,以便帮助你更快入睡,提升睡眠质量。
Caffeine 是一款咖啡因摄入管理 App ,前不久刚在 App Store 上线 1.0 版本,所有功能都集中在一个屏幕完成,无论是功能还是设计都遵循极简主义。第一次打开 Caffeine,开机屏上的文字精准的描述了它的功能: Caffeine 是能够追踪你每天咖啡因的摄入量,以便帮助你更快入睡,提升睡眠质量。
通过电子邮件或公开链接邀请安装 Beta 版 iOS 或 iPadOS App 在用于测试的 iOS 或 iPadOS 设备上安装 TestFlight。 在设备上打开电子邮件邀请并轻点“在 TestFlight 中查看”,或者轻点公开链接。 如果你是第一次测试此 App,轻点“接受”,然后轻点“安装”,以将 App 下载到设备上。
Caffeine Interactive provides web & mobile development including integrations & prototype development. Come read why your app should be powered by Caffeine.
The project of this app is one of my first publications on the Apple AppStore in 2015. When I closed my account in 2017 the code was forgotten and the project was left in the bottom shelf of my drawer. With corona knocking on our door I finally found the time to read through my old...
Grace is an evidence-based picture exchange app designed to encourage and reward independent communication through the use of images. While created with and for people with autism, it can be used by anyone with a speech disability or delay. ...