This article presents an illustration of caecal tumour with hepatic metastases. In the given A 57 year old farmer presented with a four day history of jaundice, fever, chills, nausea, and right upper and lower quadrant pain. He had just returned from India a month earlier. Tenderness was ...
Multiple sections from the caecum showed an adenocarcinoma with tumour cells in nests and groups with focal cribriform pattern. The tumour extended into the mucosa, muscle and the subserosa. No transformation to malignant epithelium was identified in multiple sections (figure 3A and 3B). Proximal ...
Background: The carcinoid tumour arises from the enterochromaffin cells of Kulchitsky at the base of the crypts of Leiberkuhn. Gastrointestinal (GI) carcinoids account for 95% of all the carcinoids and caecal carcinoids account for 5% of... ...
A laparoscopic right hemi-colectomy was planned with curative intent. Intra-operatively, the left sided hernia was reduced but the right side was irreducible. Open conversion was performed using an oblique right groinincision. The tumour was found to be adherent to the peritoneal sac preventing redu...
Enhancement of tumour growth in two syngeneic C3H murine systems by immunization via the intracaecal route 来自 Springer 喜欢 0 阅读量: 43 作者:ML Laursen,K Laursen 摘要: The BJC is owned by Cancer Research UK, a charity dedicated to understanding the causes, prevention and treatment of ...
Caecal tumourColorectal malignancyAdult intussusceptionGeneral surgeryIleorectal intussusception is a rare condition in adults in which the distal ileum, caecum, variable lengths of ascending and transvers colon, and associated mesentery invaginate into the rectum. We present the case of a 56 year ...
Caecal tumour masquerading as an appendicular mass.doi:10.4081/CP.2012.E4Martha NixonJes VerweyJacob A. AkohPAGEPress
After several wound debridements of the leg and imaging, the patient was found to have an iliopsoas abscess due to a metastatic perforated caecal tumour extending along the medial thigh to the calf. No micro-organisms indicative of typical necrotising fasciitis were isolated from the wound. The ...
There were previous rare case reports of vulvar Paget's associated with distant tumours with no direct epithelial connection.5-7 This appears to be in line with our case and we propose the possibility of a trans-coelomic spread of tumour cells along the course of the round ligament through ...
A computed tomography scan of the abdomen revealed circumferential caecal wall thickening as well as multiple mesenteric lymph nodes which were suspicious for involvement by a caecal tumour. A right hemicolectomy was performed.Results Upon opening the caecum, a soft, nodular, poorly circumscribed, ...