Multiple sections from the caecum showed an adenocarcinoma with tumour cells in nests and groups with focal cribriform pattern. The tumour extended into the mucosa, muscle and the subserosa. No transformation to malignant epithelium was identified in multiple sections (figure 3A and 3B). Proximal ...
Patient's placement in radiotherapy treatment is a critical point of the quality control system and can be correlated with the local control of the tumour and with the side effects of the normal tissue. Each day the therapists positioned the patient on the LINAC couch using immobilization systems...
A laparoscopic right hemi-colectomy was planned with curative intent. Intra-operatively, the left sided hernia was reduced but the right side was irreducible. Open conversion was performed using an oblique right groinincision. The tumour was found to be adherent to the peritoneal sac preventing redu...