小弟最近自学cadence 在用capturecis生成网表的时候系统一直给我报错 Unable to open file "C:\Users\用户\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp_pstxnet.dat" for writing 我进那个文件夹看根本没有\tmp_pstxnet.dat这个文件,而且我上网搜了一下temp文件夹下存放的不都是临时文件么,和我的cadence有什么关系。。。小弟不才,...
#1 Error [ALG0029] Unable to open file "C:\DOCUME~1\乱舞雪\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmp_pstxnet.dat" for writing. #2 Aborting Netlisting... Please correct the above errors and retry. Exiting... "D:\Cadence\SPB_16.3\tools\capture\pstswp.exe" -pst -d "d:\cadence\myproject\dsp6...
Unable to open form text file. Hi I have a issue in Allegro tool.While I am trying to open the User preferences file its not opening the error shows in command prompt like "Unable to open form text file." I am not able to open any popup... Unable to open nodeset ...
9.ERROR Unable to open property mapping file: devparam.txt. (收藏) ERROR Unable to open property mapping file: devparam.txt. 解决方法 PSpice->Edit Simulation Profile-> Configuration Files-> Library-> Library path->(\tools\pspice\library) 1.请问我在导出shap时怎样连它的网络也一起导出,比如我...
ERROR Unable to open property mapping file: devparam.txt. 解决方法 PSpice->Edit Simulation Profile-> Configuration Files-> Library-> Library path->(\tools\pspice\library) 1.请问我在导出shap时怎样连它的网络也一起导出,比如我要导出一块地铜,在我导入这个shap时它还是地网络?
因此,类似圆通孔:viaMMcirNN.pad 4 Cadence易见错误总结1.报错:在生成netlist的时候 出现”Unable to open c:CadencePSD_14.2toolscaptureallegro.cfg for reading. Please correct the above error(s) to proceed.”处理办法:点生成netlist,点 27、setup,修改路径为captureallegro.cfg所在路径2.报错:”Spawning. "...
“input.scs ” 8: Unable to open input file `/export/edatools/IC5.1.41/tools/dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib/quan tity.spectre’. No such file or directory. 区别在于那一行变成了两行。 打开 input.scs 文件,那一句是 Include “/export/edatools/IC5.1.41/tools/dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib/quan ...
求助,生成网络表时出现unable to open netlist format russhaland unable to open netlist format:ornetlist.dll 如题,出现上述文字如何解决 russhaland 11-6 0 生成网表出现unable to open netlist format:ornetlist.dll russhaland 如题,如何解决,求大佬教我 russhaland 11-6 0 请问下鼠标操作距离怎...
Check device file.Cadence中Capture向Allegro中导入网表时的常见错误.一、Capture生成netlist的时候报错:1. Unable to open c:\Cadence\PSD_14.2\tools\capture\allegro.cfg for reading. Please correct the above error(s) to proceed错误解释:allegro.cfg文件找不到或allegro.cfg文件不能打开,这个问题的根源是,...