`include "constants.vams" | ncvlog: *E,COFILX (/tmp/wtam/pdk/AMS_tutorial/a_d/verilogams/verilog.vams,3|24): cannot open include file '/usr/cds/ic-6.13/tools/spectre/etc/ahdl/constants.vams'. `include "disciplines.vams" | ncvlog: *E,COFILX (/tmp/wtam/pdk/AMS_...
\w *WARNING* Cannot find /home/EDA/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/tools/graphic directory to load environment variables \e *Error* loadContext: could not open file - "/home/EDA/tools/dfII/etc/context/deBase.cxt" \w *WARNING* (autoloads): deBase.cxt was not loaded \o Loading Skill files for d...
I've got a verilog cell view that contains the following statement: `include "foo.vh" Now when I try checking the file with the following command: vmsUpdateCellViews(?lib "lib" ?cell "cell" ?view "verilog") I get the following error: "cannot open include file "foo.vh" I tried to ...
封装库做好,和指定路径是否正确。 fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stlib.h': No such file or directory 错在哪里? 在Linux下开发的C程序都需要头文件unistd.h,但VC中没有个头文件,所以用VC编译总是报错。 把下面的内容保存 商标注册商标注册_国家免费商标查询注册入口 商标注册商标注册 免费...
Using composer to override a vendor file There may be a situation where you need to modify a file stored in the vendor folder. For example, on Magento 2, you may need to override a core file but cannot use a <preference> or a <plugin>. When that happens, you have a couple options...
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre openjdk-8-jdk ##安装openjdk jre等 sudo apt-get install xterm ##安装xterm终端模拟器 sudo apt-get install libncursesw5-dev ##安装libncursesw动态链接库 sudo apt-get install libxtst6:i386 sudo apt-get install libxi6:i386 sudo apt-get install lib...
error while loading shared libraries: libXp.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 搜索后发现是libXp.so.6库没有安装,使用apt安装时发现不能定位到该软件包。于是选择手动安装。该库的名字为libxp-dev_1.0.1-2_amd64.deb和libxp6_1.0.1-2_amd64.deb。下载好使用dpkg -...
When I create a new working library that I attach tmsc18_BCD as technology library to, I cannot run any simulation, I get the following error message: Error found by spectre during circuit read-in. ERROR (SFE-868): "input.scs" 9: Cannot open the input file '/path_to_tsmc18_and_...
3. Any authorized copy of the publication or portion thereof must include all original copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices and this permission statement. 4. The information contained in this document cannot be used in the development of like products or software, whether for internal...
lengthfile.Donotdeleteit.SeeCannotopendaemonlockfile MULTIPLEcdslmdserversrunning TCP/IPdaemonsrunning Dependingonyouroperatingsystem,youcancheckforTCP/IPbytypingoneofthese: netstat-a|greptcp netstat-a|grepTCP netstat-l ifconfigln0(usenetstat-rntogetinterface#name,suchasln0) ...